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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/18 in all areas

  1. Davery

    Birth of a Pure

    Hey guys! As some of you may know, I have been making a pure to do various styles of pking. I wanted to make a progress log to show how far it has come, what my goals are, showcase some kills and loots (hopefully), and remind myself to keep progressing on it. Make an account that fits a niche combat bracket to pk in Learn the ropes of pure pking and the different styles of pure pking Make money from pking/risk fighting (in the future) Have fun :-) For the current build I am working on, these are the quests I have to do, as well as the quests I have done. Doric's Quest Ernest the Chicken The Knight's Sword The Restless GhostAnimal MagnetismDeath PlateauDesert Treasure The Digsite Druidic RitualDwarf CannonThe Feud Gertrude's Cat The Golem The Grand TreeHorror From the DeepPriest in Peril Shadow of the StormTemple of Ikov The Tourist Trap Troll StrongholdWaterfall QuestWitch's House Recipe For Disaster Dwarf Goblins Skrach Evil Dave Pirate Pete Hope to see you all in the wildy!
    1 point
  2. Flux

    [Accepted] T_H_C_Dr

    Hey! Welcome to WG
    1 point
  3. Mojo

    [Accepted] T_H_C_Dr

    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Vio

    [Accepted] T_H_C_Dr

    Oh wow, you actually apped hello!
    1 point
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