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[color=red][Declined][/color] [DS] Blindfirelol

Started by Blindfirelol, January 21, 2016, 06:10:20 AM

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My RuneScape Name: Blindfirelol
My Previous RSNs: Stickytac, Cti112
My Combat Level: 34
My Total Level: 162
In the DS Clan Chat already: Yes

About my RuneScape Account and History: I started playing Runescape in 2006, Blindfirelol comes from when I use to play Paintball with my friends. My favorite skill would have to be Range/Mage and Herblism! I like pking but get pretty shaking and always end up misclicking haha

My past clans/teams and any current teams: I use to be a member of a clan back in the Bounty Hunter Crater days.. I remember one day I got my hands on some pretty good loot and they ended up kicking me and ganking me for the loot. :D

About me: Wassup homies! My names Michael but you can call me Mike, I'm an 18 year old male that enjoys his life on the beach and have had the experience of a lifetime in Europe. I love playing video games and have played them since I can remember. I remember playing Mario Brothers on the N64 and Sonic on the Sega Saturn with my dad and uncle. I don't have any music talents, but I can't get enough of the beautiful sounds steel drums make. I also enjoying building computers for the fun of it, I have built my own twice now and several others for my friends. I hope to get to know you all soon, peace out! ~Mike

I heard about WG through: LegacyCereal!


Hey Blind nice to see you on our forums!

Shoot me a PM in game or on Discord and I'll review your app :D
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Application declined as you didn't request an application review.

Feel free to reapply here if you wish to join.
The review process is also outlined on that topic.
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