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Topics - Zeld Freelan

House of Random / MY FACE WHEN
January 05, 2013, 01:26:52 AM
(17:14:51) <+Darth> not a song by a bunch of fucking beastiality, inbred autstic aspie fucksticks who get nervous anytime they see girls
(17:14:53) <+Darth> FUCK
(17:15:10) <%granitecrab_> calm down bro
(17:15:12) <+Zeld_Freelan> Don't start Darth
(17:15:22) <%granitecrab_> you cant have it your why
(17:15:24) <+Darth> I'M SO MAD BRO@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(17:15:24) <+Darth> I'M SO MAD BRO@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(17:15:24) <+Darth> I'M SO MAD BRO@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(17:15:24) <+Darth> I'M SO MAD BRO@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(17:15:25) <+Darth> I'M SO MAD BRO@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(17:15:25) <+Darth> I'M SO MAD BRO@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(17:15:25) <+Darth> I'M SO MAD BRO@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(17:15:25) <+Darth> I'M SO MAD BRO@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(17:15:25) <%granitecrab_> way
(17:15:26) <+Darth> I'M SO MAD BRO@@@@@@@@@@@@@
(17:15:33) <+Zeld_Freelan> C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER
(17:15:38) * granitecrab_ set mode: +b *!*@Swift-84C563DA.san.res.rr.com
(17:15:38) * Darth was kicked by granitecrab_ (No reason given)
(17:15:41) <%granitecrab_> l0l


(17:22:11) <Bovyy_> granite slow responder
(17:22:12) <Bovyy_> -.-
(17:22:23) <+Darth> too busy fapping to ponies
(17:22:25) * +Darth has quit IRC (Quit: Darth)
(17:22:34) <+Zeld_Freelan> Butthurt as fuck

 O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O

Real Life Discussion / Haircut.
December 20, 2012, 11:02:15 PM
I really need to take care of these Zits, also, won't be able to go to the war with Avon, dental appointment. O.o

Real Life Discussion / Math question
December 12, 2012, 12:57:24 AM
There are 18.5 ounces of soup in a can. This is equivalent to 524 grams. If Jenna has 8 ounces of soup, how many grams does she have round your answer to the nearest whole gram
House of Random / MEDIEVAL MEAL
November 22, 2012, 09:09:40 AM
(01:01:07) <%Al> found some cornbread and crackers #
(01:01:17) <%Al> + water
(01:01:19) <%Al> = profit?
(01:02:19) <+Zeld_Freelan> No
(01:02:22) <+Zeld_Freelan> No profit
(01:02:26) <+Zeld_Freelan> How fucking dare you
(01:02:41) <+Zeld_Freelan> You eat a MEDIEVAL MEAL
(01:02:55) <%Al> cornbread is delicious dude
(01:02:59) <+Zeld_Freelan> a most SHAMEFUR DISPRAY
(01:03:04) <+Zeld_Freelan> COMMIT SUDOKU
(01:03:23) <+Zeld_Freelan> That is a medieval meal Al, that meal is bad and you should feel bad
(01:03:33) <%Al> L
(01:03:47) <%Al> yeah but it was either starve or eat this
(01:04:01) <+Zeld_Freelan> At least eat something like POTATO CHIPS
(01:04:03) <+Zeld_Freelan> OREOS
(01:04:19) <+Zeld_Freelan> Not something that is fucking one thousand years old in nature
(01:04:23) <+Zeld_Freelan> it's a peasants meal
(01:04:32) <+Zeld_Freelan> On top of that
(01:04:41) <+Zeld_Freelan> Bread and water
(01:04:51) <+Zeld_Freelan> I shudder to even think of eating it together

Real Life Discussion / A Dream....
November 19, 2012, 01:25:11 AM
Alright, so this is what happened today, earlier today I got really, really sleep stricken, this was around 12:00 or 1:00 PM today, I decided to take a nap...

I set my laptop aside and shuffled over towards my comfy bed, getting inside of it with ease.

And then...I fell asleep....

I dreamed of a man at the southern side of some island ( similar to the southern side of Britain ) and shoved off with nothing but a dog with him in a little mini carrack like ship.

He sailed and sailed and sailed but then he crashed into land, making him fall down and faint.

He woke up in the middle of the town he shoved off in, but then he realized his dog was on the ship, so he got another ship, but this time, sailed alone to the last spot he crashed his ship, but it wasn't there, he assumed the ship had sailed somewhere else.

So he went east, but eventually, he had stopped paying attention and veered off in different directions, that is until the ship with the dog crashed into his, and suddenly they were in a new place.

They found themselves at the middle of an 8 foot moat, filled with water, the sky was dark and cloudy, and there was a wall around the moat in which tons of snipers lingered, they surfaced, trying to get towards the shore, but a sniper shot at them but fortunately missed.

The man shouted and breathed in before going underwater with his dog, shouting underwater "Right on! Right on!" Before my dream ended.

House of Random / LOL BRITAIN
November 15, 2012, 12:21:19 AM
Real Life Discussion / A story
November 13, 2012, 11:44:23 PM
Today was a school day, and, as such, I was in Science class in 6th period, the last period.

The Science teacher was talking about the form of the Earth and how it didn't have water at first ( obviously )

A kid raised his hand and he promptly answered it, and you know what he said?

"Yo, uh...what did the people drink?" He said. Me and the Teacher post said at the same time "People!?" But everyone else in the class was as equally confused.

The kid who asked the question turned towards me and yelled "JESUS!"

A kid violently poked me in the shoulder and whispered "Adam and Eve dumbass?" All the others who were around nodded in agreement.

After class when I was on my way to my locker, a gang of the same kids went up to me and blocked my path, they called me things like Stupid dumbass, fucking non Christian and other such things, it wasn't until ( After a few other teachers overlooked the situation, because they were obviously Christian what with the crosses hanging around their neck ) A science teacher came and stopped them.

So now everybody hates me because I'm not Christian  :/
House of Random / Spiders...spiders everywhere
October 11, 2012, 02:41:41 PM

Real Life Discussion / IT'S COMING
October 03, 2012, 11:43:41 PM


Link to the livestream debate.

Eurobros and watch to.  :woeh:

House of Random / HAHAHAHA OH WOW
September 20, 2012, 04:54:38 AM
House of Random / What in the name of...
September 18, 2012, 03:51:20 PM
What in the name of the Lord did ye just proclaim about me, knave? I'll have thee know I was dubbed top of my knight squadron
in the armie, I hath battled in numerous sieges upon traitorous lords, and I hath more than three hundred honourable kills.
I am extensively disciplined in simian warfare and I am the top archer in the entire armie. Thou art merely 'nother enemy
to slay. I shall extinguish thee with precision such as hast never been witnessed by Gods or men, hear my words.
Think thou that thee can escape mine wrath after uttering such filthy remarks? Rethink thine words, miscreant. As we speak,
I am sending word of thee by raven to my network of spies across the realm, and thine hideout is soon to be located,
so brace thyself for attack, fool. It will be the storm that exterminates thine pitiful life, if that it can be named.
Thou art good as dead, lad. I may be present in any shadow around thee, and I am capable of subduing thee in over seven hundred ways,
and that is merely with mine own hands. I was not only tutored in gauntlet-to-gauntlet, but I possess the right to any
weapon in mine liege lord's extensive armory, and I intend to fully utilize it to erase thine insignificant presence off
our holy realm, thou insufferable scoundrel. I can only wish that thou would have had the foresight to comprehend what
heinous punishment your little "witty" quip were destined to result in; mayhap then thou would have withheld from
voicing it. But thou couldst not, thou didst not, and now thou shalt pay with your blood, thou thrice-God-forsaken
imbecile. I shall unleash unholy ire upon thee and thou shalt be inundated in it. Thou art carrion food, cretin.
About You and Your Account

1. What is your current Runescape username, and what are your past usernames if any?
My current Username is Zeld Freelan, and my former was Clumsy Sea

2. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history (e.g. when you started, what your RSN means, favourite activities etc.):
I am a recent Level 80 ranger with 71 ranged. My highest level would be 99 Woodcutting. I've been playing for so far about a year and half now. I've had plenty of experiences in all forms of clans and recreational activity throughout Runescape, be it roleplaying, skilling ( Skilling taking up the majority ) Questing, and once pking, which I'm extremely interested in. My strength, attack, and defense levels all lay in the mid to early 60's. Though I've been neglecting them ever since I switched to ranged. The same goes for my Magic level of 64. I am a member, I have been ever since January/February of 20122

3. Tell us about yourself (Name (if you are comfortable), gender, age, country, hobbies, music, talents, likes and dislikes):
My name is Elliot, Male, age 14, United states, My hobbies generally involve literature, visual entertainment ( I.E video/computer games as well as TV ) I am heavily involved in World History, particularly Feudal Japanese culture, which I heavily and greatly admire. My proffered Music Genre's are extremely various, ranging from Pop/Electronic/Dubstep( Gangnam style, Good feeling, Lights, et cetera ), to traditional Japanese music. I generally have no problem with rap or hip hop or any other Genre of the sort. My Talents are few but moderately useful. I am a great planner, Geographic strategists, and generally organized person. I tend to graph almost anything that comes to mind in my head, The Wilderness as a whole being involved as well, major trading and skilling routes, raiding techniques and strategies, et cetera.  I generally have no problem with much, I enjoy listening to music, writing, graphing just for fun, reading, ec cetera. Though my dislikes is general rude or thuggish behavior towards other people, particularly team mates or friends. Another dislike of mine is disorganization, scattering about and such. Which, from what I've seen the Guardians and Descendants lack.

4. How did you hear about us and what makes you want to join WG or DG? Also, which of these two clans are you applying for?
I first heard about the Wilderness Guardians from browsing many Runescape related videos on, what else, Youtube. I quickly received word of the Guardians from other outside forces such as the forums, and in game conversations. I wanted to learn more, so I continued to watch Videos and read about this elite looking clan. I witnessed several screenshots and videos of formations, raids, wars, so on and so forth. I also watched the Wilderness Biography as well, which fueled me, along with some other information, to strive to reach the designated level for the Descendants at least. And so I did, once I leveled up my strength level from 60 to 61. It was plain as day on my screen. Combat level advanced! And so I visited the Descendant guardians website, watched the application video, and wrote down this introduction post for all to see!

Your PvP Experience
I have little to none really, other than defending myself when skilling in the Wilderness or Castle wars and such, the only serous PVP I've ever done was staked duels and close encounters with single pkers when skilling.
5. What Multi-combat PvP Experience do you have? Be sure to mention any recent or past F2P or P2P PvP Clans you have been in.
I have not been in a PVP clan before, but I was, however involved in a lot of group pking raids and such as a courier, someone who would carry food, and potions. As well as a scout, someone who would scout out an area that the group was heading to in order for them to know what would be expected

6. Our warring times are usually between 4PM EST/9PM GMT and 6PM EST/11PM GMT on weekends, but sometimes weekdays, can you regularly be active at these times?
Well I do live on the west coast but I'll try my best and hardest to attend any wars or raids or general PVP events as much as possible, I'll make it one of my first priorities.

7. Do you understand that some PvP Events are Mandatory if you are online, and that you face removal from the clan should you blatantly skip these events?
Yes I do, and trust me, why join a PVP clan is you aren't going to participate in the PVP action? Whenever I'm online or have a chance to be online, you can trust that I'll attend.

Your Activity and Availability

8. Do you agree to check WG Forums daily and be on IRC at all times while you are in game, and to be on Teamspeak for all Wars and Raids? (Please note, these are third party programs, but clans have been using them for years and are crucial to our success, as such they ARE a requirement.  Further details can be provided on request.)
Yes, I will download teamspeak as soon as possible, though I know a good alternative called C3 chat, it's fairly new and unknown but from my experience, it's a very clear and efficient voice chatting system meant for gaming exclusively.

9. Is there anything in the near future that may impact your activity or ability to attend events?
Well the School year of course, but other than that, no not really