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Messages - callmeqing

 :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan:looks legitttttttt


My RuneScape Name: wg qingkat
My Previous RSNs: qingkat, wg qingkat, gg noobs
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 106
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: started playing rs longgg time ago since zezima days. on and off all these years. rs is just a addictive game, due to the difficulties and variations in builds and all these new npc new quests the past years. overall its addictive, not to mention the pkaying aspects. hmm favourite skill, hittin random 50s with welfare gear? LOL jking fav skill is range.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: hmm on and off with WG and WG only i been, been invited to othe clans but WG all the way homiesssss

About me: i am from CANADA, yea eh, hmm i run my own renovation company here locally with my boy, been slammed with contracts thats why i been inactive and got kicked again from WG. but u guys aleady know wat it is, i am a loyal MF and i put in my work on almost every event XD. pvp pvm, i am there. i am there i am there.

I heard about WG through: i remember i googled top clans when i was in my 80s. and WG showed up.
I want to join because: cuz wg is actually really fun and all the people thats been in the clan for a while is humble and good people, in which most of u are already on my FL. and WG is constantly improving, getting bigger, better, fancier. LOL no seriously improving for sure since i first joined. in almost every aspect of the clan.

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: yea if i knock up a random girl or kick my workers off a ladder at work when i get too pissed off
legooooooo  :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro:


My RuneScape Name: wg qingkat
My Previous RSNs: wg qingkat
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 106
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: second time for rejoining, cuz inactive. work was hard to juggle lol

My past clans/teams and any current teams: wg all the way

About me: its me qing kat.

I heard about WG through: wg wg wg wg
I want to join because: cuz this clan is the only clan ill join and its awesome.

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: hmm new laptop this christmas ill be on at least once a week min


My RuneScape Name: gg noobs
My Previous RSNs: wg qingkat
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 103
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM NOW WE HERE!! jkjk
hmm i been playing rs for a long time now. since Zezima age. classic. I am a ex wg member, was very active. got hacked a few times cuz i clicked a link from reddit. Long story short, life got too hectic and work got slammed so i just dropped all gaming related for a while and eventually i guess i got dropped outta WG for inactivity. But now the slow season is starting again for my work so i am slowly getting back to full time status on osrs. :))

My past clans/teams and any current teams: WG WG WG all the way homies.

About me: i am pretty gangster. EDM, Chinese canadian, old enufffff, strong male. hobbies iare osrs preferably raiding or pvm. DOTA 2, movies, gym, travel. I travel alot beside working and gaming..

I heard about WG through: googled for best pvp clans thats active and this showed up!
I want to join because: always good to be back with the wg family :)

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: hopefully not
i have him on my fl for a while now since i was 80s his pretty cool and good pker. glad u finally decided to apply :P
Real Life Discussion / Re: lets see those tats
January 17, 2016, 07:20:19 AM
for real tho nice nipples.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Your Favourite Foods
December 17, 2015, 11:37:42 PM
i have super high metabolism so i eat like a champ all day everyday.
i am chinese background also but i been in canada since 2 yrs old so i am pretty canadianized
i love chinese food, also italian food. phoooo
Real Life Discussion / Re: Favourite TV Shows
December 17, 2015, 11:35:37 PM
DExter. all time.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Fitness Records
December 17, 2015, 11:35:06 PM
so i bench 2 plates on flat. thats...uhh 45 45 45 45 bar is bout 15..sooo 195? and yes i am on creatine and protein.
 :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro:yeyeye sickk.. sup ya'lll hola at ur boyy


My RuneScape Name: qingkat711
My Previous RSNs: hd4l_peter
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 86
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: ok here we go again, haha. So I have been playing rs since there was only fally. since then i been through like 3 accounts. either hacked or perm banned cuz of botting back in the day..I just recently came back to osrs because I just love the game and its probaly gonna be a game I will continue playing even when i have kids. lol yes it means alot to me. I enjoy pking, slayering, and my goal is to get 99 melee stats so i can make some serious loots in game again.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: I was in the clan Death Inc. before like 6 7 years ago..and thats the most recent clan I was in. However, the leader quitted and we all scattered. I just stuck to pking on my own with some friends. I like rolling with a clan. Xpecially a solid one like this one!

About me: OK so i am a 26 yr old man, i own my own drywall interior finshing company in ottawa canada. i play ball, hang with the homies, games, my girl. I hate snitches and dishonest people. I listen to old school rap, some edm, mainstream a little. I am a modern renovator kind of. I have my carpenter certificates and run a pretty busy company myself. I still make time for rs at least 3 hours a day. lol its bad but hey i gotta dewind some how.

I heard about WG through: googled for best pvp clans thats active and this showed up!
I want to join because: I am a active and loyal gamer, hopefully you can tell by the history of my rs playing. This will probably be the last clan I will enroll in for rs. I don't like to hop around like some people, I just want be part of a solid clan and this clan is very organized and active. I hope you guys would let me be a part of this osrs generation too. :)

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Not Yet Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: not that i know of
Join the Clan / Qingkat711
December 07, 2015, 03:55:01 PM
okok here we go (Ty MoJo i didnt know :( hehe )
HI guys, my name is QingKat, i came across this clan from googling top pvp clans around my level in game. It seems like a real solid and active clan and that's what I want, I been playing rs for quite a while now..let just say since classic where they were only falador. so yea since I was a kid. However, throughout all these years i lost my previous accounts cuz i either forgot recoveries or it got banned for botting and such before. My pas clans were D.I i unno if any of you know them.. i like this game for the party purposes therefore thats why I am joining a clan as soon as i got back into the game...i came back 2 months ago after 4 years break and I am loving all the new stuff on osrs. (still getting adjusted to it) So yea that pretty much sums up the story for me. feel free to ask any questions i will be more than happy to help!

Thank you and please let me know what to do next.

Join the Clan / callmeqing
December 07, 2015, 04:54:40 AM
My RuneScape Name: qingkat711
My Previous RSNs: hd4l_peter
Joining for PvP events: YES
My Combat Level: 86
My Stats:do not know how to do that picture crop..so here it is below:
70 attack
62 strength
70 defence
79 range
60 pray
88 mage
75 hp
have ancients if need to be. trying to get 99 mage...

About my RuneScape Account and History: i started playing when i was a little kid my friends and i would just sit for hours and play runescape tegother that was like 6 years ago i kept playing till pre eoc then i quit for a while and came back to play osrs im a big fan of osrs and i will always play it my favourite skill would be fletching it's really profitable and i like it my favourite activities are pvm and pk i just enjoy seeing that loot on the ground before picking it up

My past clans/teams and any current teams: none.

About me: my name is Peter, qingkat is me and my gf's comb name..she plays too but not so much for the pvp. anyways i am from canada, i enjoy playing rs and just want to roll with a good clan to pk with. I been playing rs since classic. I lost all my past 3 mains. hacks and such. quitted for a while just got back into it..so here I am applying for a clan to roll with.
I heard about WG through: googling top pking clan in osrs.
I want to join because: as i said, need and want to roll with a clan thats solid . and this seems like a solid clan.
Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: nope