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Messages - sulaiman400

House of Random / Re: If you'd have to pick...
August 09, 2011, 10:44:02 PM
Dragon Ball Z

Favorite Cartoon

House of Random / Re: If you'd have to pick...
August 09, 2011, 07:05:04 PM
Pakistan. When I went there, the markets were all closed, there was e. coli in the water supply, and i saw suicide bombs from 10 miles away that killed a hundred people. It was an awesome vacation.

/end sarcasm

Favorite thing to eat.
House of Random / Re: If you'd have to pick...
August 09, 2011, 06:01:37 PM

Favorite fapping technique?
RuneScape Discussion / Re: MAC OS X
August 09, 2011, 06:00:56 PM
Jagex has come out with their own mac client and they have fixed some of the problems. Lock this please :).
House of Random / Re: If you'd have to pick...
August 09, 2011, 05:22:27 PM
I'm sober.

Favorite video game website.
House of Random / If you'd have to pick...
August 09, 2011, 09:21:12 AM
Well. This game is quite simple. You ask a question and then the next person answers it. Then, that person asks another question and another person answers the second question. Generally the question is supposed to be what a person's favorite item or person or whatever is, but the question can really be anything.

Person1: Favorite fruit?
Person2: Pineapple.

Favorite tv show?

Person3: How I met your mother

Favorite part of Gene's legendary speech?

It's simple... So, I'll start it.

Favorite song?
Technical Support / Re: Cannot Connect To IRC
August 08, 2011, 08:50:28 PM
Your face is a month old GAWD...

And yea, kinda late to fix issues now lmao
House of Random / Re: Epic BS.
August 08, 2011, 05:22:31 PM
I can't see it. It was removed....
Technical Support / Re: Cannot Connect To IRC
August 08, 2011, 09:34:28 AM
what was the server name you used for mIRC?
Technical Support / Re: Swiftkit help :
August 08, 2011, 09:32:57 AM
oh, this problem... i actualy think i know what's up... If you don't mind me asking, however, how do you connect to IRC via swiftkit (there's two ways, which way do you use?)
Join the Clan / Re: bc wooly intro
August 08, 2011, 07:37:48 AM
Welcome to the community. Youre going to love it. What genre music do you guys enjoy btw?
House of Random / Sporcle
August 07, 2011, 09:21:09 AM
So, when I'm bored, I love to try the puzzles, riddles, and trivial games on sporcle. Anyone else also love sporcle?
Quote from: Bgpgraebner on July 26, 2011, 07:52:02 PM
Quote from: George on July 26, 2011, 07:30:17 PM

wait, w0t? how is that word even compara-


i c wut u did thur

Current word: Shrink, can't play a word off itself - Shrink (Present) > Shrunk (Past)

He could've meant shrink as in a shrink for mental people?
RuneScape Discussion / Re: MAC OS X
August 07, 2011, 05:53:42 AM
Quote from: Randy on August 06, 2011, 11:42:53 PM
I use a mac.
I just open safari to play scape.

It lags big time on lion... Snow Leopard is fine, but lion and leopard are slow as fuck.
RuneScape Discussion / Re: WG Enslavement
August 06, 2011, 10:20:36 PM
So... you like WG wood?
Quote from: Vephy on August 04, 2011, 11:41:51 PM
Quote from: DG Keanu on August 04, 2011, 11:40:00 PM
Quote from: sulaiman400 on August 04, 2011, 09:43:39 AMSo, he attempted identify theft. He changed his name to try to look identical to one of the hosts in the large dicing ponzi scheme.

Stokenuf bought full 3rd age with the money he scammed off people by impersonating Steve... in one day.
I am SORELY tempted to try it myself.
I'm the same combat level as xMarlene, so it would seem even more legit.

Not everyone's morale values translate into pixels I guess lol.

In real life, if an average person would be given a chance to win 1 million dollars but you would have to skirt the rules (and you wouldn't get caught), that average person would probably take the deal (probably 75% of the people in the world would say yes)
RuneScape Discussion / MAC OS X
August 06, 2011, 10:18:29 PM
Hi. Umm, I recently got a macbook pro for college. Now, apple has been cutting off support for java and new macbook pros come with Mac OS X Lion which basically destroys the chance of java running smoothly; thus, using java on safari is impractical and you'd rather kill yourself to be honest. So, this was brought up with Jagex and one player came up with a guide to fix the problem. To be honest, this is an excellent tool to use. Now, Runescape runs 10x better on my mac with like 10 applications running than on a pc with only runescape, swift kit, and teamspeak running. So, try this especially on the mac.

The link with the solution is right here. Basically, you have to create a mac application for runescape. And as I said, it works really really well.

If you don't feel like reading through shitty runescape forums, I'll post what to do below.

Mac OS X 10.5 64 bit with Java SE 6 installed, Mac OS X 10.6, or 10.7 Lion with Java installed.

Instructions: In 10 simple steps!

1. Open TextEdit. (It's in Applications.)

2. Open Preferences and make sure the New Document Format is set to Plain text, rather than Rich text.

3. After it is set to plain text, close the first untitled window that opened. And open a new one so it is in plain text mode. (THE WINDOW SHOULD BE PLAIN, NO TOOLBAR.)

4. Copy the following post:
mkdir .rsmactemp
cd .rsmactemp
echo "Downloading the Windows Client."
curl -O $'runescape.\143\157\155/downloads/runescape.msi'
echo "Extracting the Jagex RuneScape Launcher."
curl -O theunarchiver.googlecode.$'\143\157\155'/files/unar0.4.zip >/dev/null 2>&1
curl -O dl.dropbox.$'\143\157\155'/u/31880062/runescape.icns >/dev/null 2>&1
unzip unar0.4.zip > /dev/null
./unar runescape.msi ./ > /dev/null
./unar rslauncher.cab ./ > /dev/null
cd ..
echo "Creating application directories."
mkdir .RuneScape.temp
mkdir .RuneScape.temp/Contents
mkdir .RuneScape.temp/Contents/MacOS
mkdir .RuneScape.temp/Contents/Resources
mkdir .RuneScape.temp/Contents/Resources/Java
echo "Populating directories."
cp /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub .RuneScape.temp/Contents/MacOS/RuneScape
mv .rsmactemp/JagexAppletViewerJarFile.* .RuneScape.temp/Contents/Resources/Java/jagexappletviewer.jar
mv .rsmactemp/JagexAppletViewerPngFile .RuneScape.temp/Contents/Resources/Java/jagexappletviewer.png
mv .rsmactemp/runescape.icns .RuneScape.temp/Contents/Resources/runescape.icns
echo "Removing temp files."
rm -rf .rsmactemp
echo "Creating config files."

5. After hitting paste go to the bottom and hit enter to get onto a new line.

6. Copy the following and paste this one line below the code above.
Quotecd .RuneScape.temp/Contents/
echo "APPL????" > PkgInfo
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :CFBundleName string 'RuneScape'" info.plist > /dev/null
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :CFBundleIdentifier string 'jagexappletviewer'" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :CFBundleVersion string '1.0'" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :CFBundleExecutable string 'RuneScape'" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :CFBundlePackageType string 'APPL'" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :CFBundleSignature string '????'" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :CFBundleIconFile string 'runescape'" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :Java dict" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :Java:MainClass string 'jagexappletviewer'" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :Java:JVMVersion string '1.6+'" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :Java:Arguments string '\$JAVAROOT/'" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :Java:ClassPath string '\$JAVAROOT/jagexappletviewer.jar'" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :Java:Properties dict" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c add\ :Java:Properties:$'\143\157\155'.jagex.config\ string\ $'\150\164\164\160'://runescape.$'\143\157\155'/k=3/l=en/jav_config.$'\167\163' info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :Java:VMOptions array" Info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :Java:VMOptions:0 string '-Xms256m'" Info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "add :Java:VMOptions:1 string '-Xmx256m'" Info.plist
mv ../../.RuneScape.temp ../../RuneScape.app
mv ../../RuneScape.app /Applications 2>&1
echo "Finished!"
echo "Enjoy!"

7. Now go to file, and save as installer.txt
Save it to your home folder. (The one with the house icon that is just your name.)

8. Now open Terminal. (/Applications/Utilities)

9. Copy & paste the following to start. (Hit enter.)

Quotechmod a+x installer.txt; ./installer.txt

All Credit for this goes to "Mr Pacman".
Join the Clan / Re: Y YELD-INTRO
August 06, 2011, 08:34:02 PM
Hi mate. Welcome to the community. As two others said, you can join our junior clan, the descendent Guardians. I'm in it and it's a blast. And it's a good way to become assimilated into the community, eh?
Quote from: seb on August 04, 2011, 07:24:41 PM
dicing isnt a scam, its a new way for the rich to become even richer, check out win all day on youtube, a host can start off with like 500m, and after a couple of day have about 2b.

It's not... I wish I was a dicing host lmao... That 10% commission would be incredible.
Quote from: Raging Mage2 on August 04, 2011, 11:39:21 AM
Atleast you learned and it was only a few mill

A couple of mill, plus 5 f2p sets, 5 p2p sets, ammy of fury, whip, dragon boots, dragon legs.... Which still isn't that much for most people, but that is literally my entire bank lmao...
lol at the responses
The Story I am about to tell is completely true. Warning: You may shed a tear. Also, my writing isn't that great so calm down on the criticism. This was for my personal enjoyment, tbh lmao...

QuoteIt was Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011. Sulaiman400, a young, charismatic, gorgeous young man was sitting in the Grand Exchange. He had just bought some free-to-play pk sets so that he could participate in his clan's pk events. He was in the Descendant Guardians, the junior clan of the esteemed Wilderness Guardians. Although he was not as powerful, as vocal, or as wealthy as many of his fellow soldiers, he fought alongside them to defend the standard of the Guardians and to be the shield of the innocent from the oppressors who roamed the Wilderness. While Sulaiman400 was inside the Grand Exchange, he began a conversation with some of his fellow soldiers in the clan's magical communication network.

His fellow colleagues all spoke of their adventures with their wealthy consumer products, like the feared dragon claws or the armadyl godsword. He was deeply jealous of their strength and of their shocking wealth. But, he had no way of making the money necessary to buy such products. He had just around 3 million gold pieces (which was equivalent to three pieces of poop and two vomited dead pigs in the real world). So, he decided to run away from the commerce capital of Geilnor to a peaceful gnome-filled area, the Grand Tree. He walked up to the Grand Tree transportation system when he saw hundreds of men standing around with loads of cash, talking about "dicing" and risking cash.

He walked up to a very famous character, dragon dyce. He was wearing the extremely rare white party hat along with a full third age set and an armadyl godsword. Sulaiman400 asked, "How, oh How did you get so rich, Mr. Dyce?"

Mr. Dyce responded with a laugh. "It's easy, young child. Just try dicing."

"What's dicing?"

"What's dicing? I've never heard such a preposterous question. Do you really not know what dicing is?"

"Yea, what is it?"

"Well, it's simple. You wager cash to see who can roll a dice better. You take two dices and roll them. If you roll higher than your opponent, you win and gain the wagered cash. Simple, really. Here, take my dice and try it out. All of these men here work for my company!" He handed Sulaiman400 the dice. Little did Sulaiman400 know, he was entering a trap. A trap that would soon consume and destroy him. Sulaiman400 quickly ran back to the grand exchange and withdrew two million gold pieces. He ran up to the Grand Tree. There were long lines and large crowds of people around the hosts. All of the hosts were extremely wealthy, probably because of their profit from the high commissions gained by Dragon Dyce's company.

Nonetheless, Sulaiman400 patiently waited and eventually got a chance to try it out. He gambled all of his gold pieces and faced off against several other experienced dicers. Shockingly, he won. Over the next two hours, Sulaiman400 went on a unprecedented winning streak, winning match after match after match. He eventually amassed 30 million gold pieces and he finally had enough money to feel rich enough for his clan. Nonetheless, he began forming a blood thirst for money. So, he continued dicing nonetheless. He was challenged to a large gamble, 12 million gold pieces in a three-way competition. He lost. And so began a losing streak that evaporated Sulaiman400's savings as quickly as they came. Soon enough, he had fallen down to less than 3 million gold pieces, less than he had when he began dicing.

The Wilderness Guardians' warlord, or "Raid Leader," Joey then called Sulaiman and all of his fellow soldiers and guardians to battle. They had to defend their friends, Collision, from forces so corrupt and disgusting that it would make any normal being die out of disgust. So, he was relieved from his losing streak. Sulaiman left for several hours to fight along his countrymen and his guardians fought valiantly. So, Sulaiman came back several hours later, exhausted from battle. He returned to the Grand Exchange. He felt that after a good day of fighting with his soldiers, he could gamble his way back to prominence. Because, at the end of the day, his quest for cash was not all about cash. Much of it was pride. He wanted to make sure that he was wealthier than his cousin (a level 71 pre-teen with 4.5 million gold pieces). Much of it was jealousy, directed mainly at those men who threw around money as if it was nothing in the Northeast corridor of the grand exchange. But, more than anything, it was need. Sulaiman wanted to relieve himself of the worries that lack of money brought. He did not want to work much longer to attempt to make money for himself and for his colleagues.

And for all of these reasons, he went back to dicing. He started off on a strong foot, raising his total cash pile up to 7.5 million gold pieces. But, before long, he began losing again. And oh boy, did he lose. He lost all of his cash. Angered, but filled with much hubris, he decided to bravely sell off all of his possessions. He sold off everything except for the equipment he would need to war with his fellow guardians. So, he went back to dicing. And he lost it all again. But, this time, not all of it was from dicing. He was also scammed by people whose names looked nearly identical to those who hosted in Dragon Dyce's massive organization. Frustrated, Sulaiman400 looked at his bank. He realized that his pride had cost him everything. He lost all of his tools, weapons, and objects that were not used to help his clan. He had lost everything. Angered, he thought of an idea. He would attempt to scam others to try to regain his lost wealth. His lost paradise. So, he attempted identify theft. He changed his name to try to look identical to one of the hosts in the large dicing ponzi scheme. It didn't work. Instead, he was berated and laughed at. He stooped lower and lower. He then used the Gnome Tree transportation system to leave the great merchant city of Varrock and escape to the more serene Grand Tree to lie and despair over the loss of all of his personal equity.

Comment on scamming: Honestly, after feeling as desperate as I did when I realized I literally lost everything, I began to see why people scam. It is a way to make money, not dissimilar from pking, dicing, skilling, luring, dueling, monster hunting, etc. In many ways, it gives a life lesson. Remember to read the fine print and try to use your head in any negotiations or fights. Not just in Runescape but especially in real life. Also, on another completely unrelated note, I actually probably have a serious irl gambling issue. Because of my ridiculous overconfidence and massive amount of hubris, I don't think I could ever accept a loss or a point at when to stop. So, I probably would never gamble irl lol

So, yea, I lost everything. Indeed, all I have left are 5 f2p and 5 p2p pking sets (he had 10 of each, but he went nuts lmao). Umm, I also have some weird new name from my failed attempt at scamming innocent bystanders.

RuneScape Discussion / Re: August Behind the Scenes
August 01, 2011, 09:11:18 PM
I'd do 50/50
When people say that the citadel has awesome graphics, I have to say that if I cared about good graphics, I wouldn't play Runescape.

Anyway, Mark that sounds awesome.
Clan World Discussion / Re: Jagex Cup
July 28, 2011, 07:55:32 AM
i hope