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Messages - July

Hey everyone,

I don't visit often here, but I'm His Lordship's friend. He helped me with my PDF documentary about the game and we regularly talked about ideas to revive the Wilderness. We have both individually submitted ideas to Jagex, but - as you know - none of those were ever paid attention to by them.

However, today there is a new opportunity for the PvP world. Yesterday Jagex announced the new RuneLabs criteria and this time we have to think as big as possible, as Jagex is looking for big content updates to be implemented in 2017. I consider this a great opportunity to suggest that Jagex do something with the Wilderness, so that the area can be revived.

I have submitted my own suggestion yesterday. I believe that my idea is the easiest way (for Jagex) to attract many more people to the Wilderness. The quoted RuneLabs post:

QuoteThe Wilderness is for the most part redundant content today. You could walk around for a long time and not encounter anyone else, and it is really unfortunate to see a huge game area be defunct like that. How cool would it be to see the Wilderness transformed into an area where Pk'ers, skillers and slayers alike could be found having a great time in every corner, in every building and at every piece of Wilderness content? – The solution that I suggest is to turn the Wilderness area into a competition area by creating an entirely new hiscores page for Wilderness content, just like how ironmen and hardcore ironmen have their own hiscore competition.

Players would be able to participate in both the regular (or ironman) hiscores and the Wilderness hiscores. Switching between them is easy, as it can be done by entering/leaving the Wilderness. This idea would require some development time because now content for each skill would have to be added to the Wilderness.

The idea is too elaborate to properly summarize in a RuneLabs post, so I invite you to read the thread about it (2 pages) before settling with any opinion. Here's a schematic overview of the idea's characteristics, explained in detail in the thread:

-Addition of a new, 4th hiscore page (regular, ironman, hardcore ironman, Wilderness)
-Xp gained in Wilderness is added to this 4th hiscore page and not to the regular hiscores. Xp gained outside the Wilderness is not added to this 4th hiscore page
-Players can switch freely between these hiscores by entering/leaving the Wilderness
-Non-combat xp gained in the Wilderness is multiplied based on amount of wealth carried
-All level requirements in the Wilderness are removed and xp rates are scaled to your level in each skill (explained in thread)
-Addition of content for each skill to the Wilderness (including mobile resources)

Please read the thread (QFC: 185-186-297-65769805) and if you like the idea, hit that support button. :)

In my thread about it (QFC above) I have also explained why a Wilderness competition is the easiest option:

If you are still in doubt, please read the thread. However, I believe this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the PvP community to make Jagex look into the revival of the entire Wilderness area again.

If you like this idea, please support it on RuneLabs and share it with your friends and other PvP clans.
I genuinely believe that the PvP community is able to pull this off if all clans co-operate.

RuneLabs: "Wilderness Content + Hiscores"
...Or the link: https://secure.runescape.com/m=player-proposal/a=946/c=RaHbd-y0LXg/view-idea?idea=53766

Kind regards,
Guest Lounge / RuneScape History Project
January 31, 2015, 08:40:09 PM
Hello everyone,

My name is July and I am the author of an upcoming free e-book about the development and history of RuneScape.

One of the topics that will be included in the project is the history of the clan world. I am looking for long-term members of the Wilderness Guardians, preferably owner and/or (co-)founder, to help me with the period 2004-2007. King Sabre, founder of The Sabres, has been helping me with the RSC era.

If anyone is interested or can help me in any way, I would appreciate it if you replied to this topic or sent me a private message.

Kind regards,


In case you would like more information about the project:

-ETA: Early 2015
-Free e-book containing 200-300 pages
-Visual support in the form of authentic screenshots
-Contributions by S U  O  M I, Rab, King Sabre, Lilyuffie88, Thehate, Whitemagem, Castle Wars and many more.

Twitter: @RsHistoryJuly
Facebook: RuneScape History Project
YouTube trailer video: /watch?v=xDNimNFLsa8