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Happy new year

Started by Chilli, December 31, 2014, 08:34:47 PM

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Happy new year everyone!

I'm not gonna ramble on how this year was shit and next year will be my year like the majority of facebook today.

In reality, you cease the moment and make it yours don't wait for a new year new me bollocks, grasp life its about taking chances and doing whats makes you happy. Take every second chance you are given and give everything you have.

Happy new year everyone!

Thanks babylon

-Ex The Sabre Clan 2004-2013
-Event team



its still 2014 for me:pppppp
"It began with a scorpion"
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Well said Chilli , as bad as things are in a particular moment, thats all it is a moment. Look to live it to its fullest. Happy New Year !

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