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Most Embarrassing Moment?

Started by Wayshow, February 21, 2012, 01:35:25 AM

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Mine was when I fell off the stage during a choir performance
We were doing movements while singing, and I had the fortune to be on the side in the last row
Fell off, and the conductor stopped.... And the audience stared. Was embarrassing as hell lol
Longest 20 seconds of my life :<

Happy posting!  :herp: :erm:


My most embarrassing was also the scariest.

Warning: Graphic.

When I was 15 I was running indoor track and pushed a little too hard against a glass window while opening a door (while jogging). My arm went right through the glass and the window sliced through my wrist. BLOOD. EVERYWHERE. I panicked and started screaming for help as I frantically grasped my blood-spurting cut and walked towards my coach. He tore of his shirt and wrapped the cut while applying heavy pressure to try and get it under control. The part when this becomes 100x more embarrassing is when I realize I'm in the middle of my school's hallway and 50-100 kids/staff were lined up watching with horror. Honestly though the shock was so intense that I didn't cry or anything because I couldn't process what was going on. They loaded me onto a stretcher and as it went down the hall I made awkward eye-contact with people that I'll see everyday for 4 years.

Threads over everyone go home.

I am the one who bends!
WG for 7+ years


My entire life has been an awkward moment... no seriously, it has...


Randy the same thing happened to my cousin except he was at home. He was running around the house and ran up to the back door, which was made of glass, but tripped right before he got there and his arm went right through the door. It sliced up his wrist and hand and severed tendons and veins and stuff..was crazy

Hmmm..most embarrassing moment...

I think I repressed all those memories. Haha.

Currently busy with:
Western Michigan University
Proud WG member from January 2006 - Fall 2009 and owner of a WG t-shirt


My most ebarrassing moment was in a school event...
i had to give a buquet of flower to the director ,  but i dont know who she was >.> , i went to the middle of the court with all ppls of the school in my front , when a teacher come to me and say ..." the director was behind you... i will never forget this day -.-


The walk of shame from a girls bedroom. I always took care that noone was home if I was going around there.

But this one was a surprise, I couldn't bare look at her parents and I just booked it out the door

I set the standard.


when i was leavig the bath , my mother's friend was nearby the bathroom she saw me naked , MY father going crazy

Mister Kyle


Well, I woke up in a ditch with a burning sensation in my loins...then I realized my fly was open...right when Kate Beckinsale came up to me to ask if I wanted to make out...yeah, had bad breath.
They see me trollin'
They hatin'
I'm trolling
mods tryin' to catch me postin' dirty
Tryin to catch me postin' dirty
Tryin to catch me postin' dirty
Tryin to catch me postin' dirty
Tryin to catch me postin' dirty
My lazors so loud
I'm spammin'
They hopin' that they gon' catch me postin' dirty