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Messages - Zelix Xilez

Guest Lounge / Can someone send ts info my way?
February 03, 2016, 09:33:40 AM
It's me, Zelix. I'm not dead I just disappeared for a while. I'm not playing DarkScape anymore but if I could have the ts info again that would be swell. I'm in a pretty great clan on RS3 but their teamspeak maxes out at like 6 people during peak hours, and past midnight there's never anyone on. I miss chatting with you guys, so if I could get the info and join back just to chat that would be awesome :)
Blogs / Re: My 2015 Extra-Life Campaign! (Please read!)
November 04, 2015, 01:30:19 AM
Updating my Mac to OS X 10.11.1 El Capitan so I can install OBS for Twitch streaming. I'm going to be doing my marathon at a friend's house with better internet so I *should* be able to stream my event. If I am able to, I will post my channel info here and probably everywhere else :P
Blogs / My 2015 Extra-Life Campaign! (Please read!)
October 29, 2015, 11:20:16 PM
Hey there Guardians. Those of you that are serious gamers like myself may have heard of Extra-Life. It's an annual event organized by Children's Miracle Network that allows gamers to raise money for various children's hospitals throughout the country. It takes the form of a 24 hour gaming marathon on November 7th (that's the official date, but you can do it whenever you want).

So what I am asking of you guys is that you take a look at my fundraising page at the bottom of this post, and if you can, make a donation. Any amount helps, and it all goes straight to Children's Miracle Network to help kids who need it.

I'll be keeping this thread open and updating it with what I accomplish during my marathon, which I will be doing on DarkScape. If you make a reasonable size donation (like $10 or more), I will let you decide how I spend 30 minutes of the marathon! It has to be something I can *actually* do, so telling me to solo Nex obviously isn't going to happen.

The link to my fundraising page! ---> http://www.extra-life.org/participant/Zelix
Update! Car didn't get totalled, I got a check for $2600 for the damages. I'm doing the work myself since I can fix everything for about $600 and put the rest towards paying it off. So in the end I'm profiting from this mess after all :)
I've never met someone named Nevada before. That's cool. :)

I think your display name is cool too. Hopefully your talents can be put to good use in DarkScape.

Welcome to the boards :)
Update: had a mechanic friend of mine take a look at it. He found structural damage to the radiator support, inner fender, and bumper frame. He estimates $3,000+ to repair. The appraiser is coming out to take a look at it Wednesday, then I'll find out if it's getting totalled or not.
Quote from: Lordsamm on October 11, 2015, 10:22:47 PM
Is it worth to fix it? Maybe a new car is cheaper.

The other person was at fault so their insurance is paying to fix everything
Update: My step dad looked at it - there's more damage under the hood that wasn't visible. Now looking at probably upwards of $2,000 in damage
Was making my way back to my POH with my trusty old T60 Ford Escape, when some old hag in a T80 F250 tried to make an illegal u-turn tokyo drift style across my lane. When we collided she spec'd me with her D mace, rek-ing my headlight, before bashing my bumper in with her offhand.

MFW she was skulled but the cops didn't attack her on sight  :fp:

Blogs / Re: Mojo on DarkScape
October 07, 2015, 01:51:06 AM
Quote from: Mojo on October 06, 2015, 11:54:29 PM
Did some quests to get access to burgh de rott bank for barrows and on my first chest got an Elite Clue.

This was the result, forgo to screenshot proper screen:

What did you get the drop from?

Also this is a really cool thing you're doing, I might start one myself :D
Quote from: Mojo on October 06, 2015, 01:23:05 AM
Nice app Zelix :)

Thanks mate :3  :nyan:


My RuneScape Name: Zelix Xilez
My Previous RSNs:
My Combat Level: 66
My Total Level: 851
In the DS Clan Chat already: Yes

About my RuneScape Account and History: I started playing RS in 2006 at age 10. My original account was stolen after ~1 year, after which I made my current account. I was F2P for the first few years; I only became a member in 2011.

My name is actually a character I designed for roleplaying purposes.

My favorite aspect of RS is PVM. I love slayer & bossing, although I'm only now starting to get into high level bossing (or I would be if I didn't basically quit RS3 for DarkScape XD) I also enjoy PVP, and with DarkScape I suspect I will end up really making PVP my main activity once I get my levels up.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: As soon as clan citadels were released, I created my own clan. It lasted for about 9 months, but at the time I was heavily into console gaming, so I ended up getting pulled away from RS because of a new release and most of my clan collapsed. I decided to just disband it since it lost so many members.

After that, I joined the Defiance clan, which was run by an old friend of mine. I was designated as the citadel overseer, but eventually left because most of the members didn't cap, and the owner refused to make capping a requirement.

I then joined the Chase Trees clan, where I spent about a year and a half as an admin. I then left due to a bunch of drama that is really a wall of text to explain, so shoot me a message if you want the details. The tl;dr is that the owners are completely psycho XD

After that I joined up with Zezima's clan, where I spent about a year or so. I eventually left because while I liked most of the people, I didn't like that the admins really didn't administrate anything.

I then joined Parallaxis, a clan that has by now all but fallen into oblivion. So yeah, that's what happened there, lol.

A few months ago I joined Malicious Intent because I wanted to join a top tier clan that has serious ambition. I've been there ever since, but they don't have a presence in DarkScape, so here I am!

About me: My name is Nick. I'm 20 years old and live in Central Pennsylvania in the United States.

My hobbies include gaming, cosplay, and martial arts when I actually have the motivation to train. RuneScape and Dungeons & Dragons are the only 2 games I actively play as of right now. I used to be heavily into console gaming, but I decided that it was XP waste.

My talents? Well, my IQ is three points shy of genius, so I guess that's pretty cool. I also have talent in leadership positions from all the time I've spent as an admin in different clans, both on runescape and other games. I'd say I'm a pretty talented gamer in general, although I'm not *quite* the best... Yet ;)

I like bacon.

I dislike stupidity.

The end.

I heard about WG through: Forums