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Messages - Ronmanola

Guest Lounge / Re: just want to say hi!
September 13, 2013, 12:24:19 AM
Hey buddy, when you get time again you should become active.
Hi, welcome to wg. You might like to add a little more about yourself to the questions in the app. Good luck!
Hi, for some reason I feel your OSRS acct was just created a week ago or you're trolling us. You are welcome to hang out in 'his lordship' fc if you'd like to get to know us while you train. Good luck!
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Careful Transfering Gps
September 07, 2013, 05:36:13 AM
It is allowed by Jagex rules but I would ask your friends for recommendations of approved exchangers. That's like 15M 07 right?
I would like to make a big enough contribution to furthering science that many people benefit from it.
Good luck on the application!
Hi there, add a little more about yourself and meet with a staff member for an interview.
Welcome to WG, train hard and you will be an initiate in no time at all.
Hi Ali, it's great to have you on pk trips, I hope they keep you this time around :). Remember just to not get too excited when there is action ;)
Gl Mami, it'd be nice to have you back in 07 though :)
Welcome, we hope you enjoy your stay.

Welcome to WG and we hope to see you around.
Hi Westra, I heard you're a friend of Debbie so welcome and we hope you enjoy the clan.
I heard you passed you interview with Rachel and we hope to see you active on pk trips
I recommend this guy for membership :)

He's attended at least two pk trips with us.

Edit: and regarding ts3, he does have it installed, he used it on last night's raid.
Welcome, let's get your app looked at quickly :)
Join the Clan / Re: Ronmanola's application
May 24, 2013, 07:14:50 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome.
Join the Clan / Re: Ronmanola's application
May 24, 2013, 02:44:06 AM
His Lordship, I have a degree in music theory and violin was my performance major.
Join the Clan / Re: Ronmanola's application
May 23, 2013, 10:46:24 PM
Hi Mojo, I usually play rs with rs on half my screen and work/other stuff on the other side and the RS client serves this purpose best for me. My only experience with TS is with like a max of 6 or so users so I can't say that I have experience with a sizeable audience all competing to be heard.

You are correct in your assumption of your edit, I was applying to this clan because it seemed like a more mature community not in the sense that the people are old enough to talk about 'adult' matter but rather that they act more like respectable people. If I am wrong in this assumption I would rather know that now.

PS When I was writing this reply, 2 more replies were posted which I will address here:
Liszewan, Mojo copied a portion of the offensive material into his response.
Panda, I still can't guarantee to check the forums every day but if you ask the leaders from any clan I've been in, I would expect that they would indicate that I was active in those clans also.
Twizlers, All of the clans I was in were always 100+ active members and one of my good friends still is active in leadership of TDM.
Join the Clan / Re: Ronmanola's application
May 23, 2013, 10:33:30 PM
I don't know if you're in the IRC, but if you are, scroll up and you'll find a reason why I do not like being required to stay in uncensored chats. That is something Jagex actually monitors reasonably well.
Join the Clan / Re: Ronmanola's application
May 23, 2013, 10:31:36 PM
Hi Panda,

I was never in VR actually but can't recall if I was in ROT or not. I  do not play RS everyday and in the past I usually find out when events get posted and check for the next week's events. I then check my schedule and see what times I can make those events and if at all possible I adjust my work schedule to make events I'd like to go to. I can not guarantee to check the forums everyday which is why I said no however I will make every effort to check it a few times a week.

About You and Your Account
I'm applying to the Wilderness Guardians clan

1. What is your current RuneScape username, and what are your past usernames, if any?

2. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history (e.g. when you started, what your RSN means, favourite activities, etc.):
This account began in Nov 2004, and I played a bit until summer 2010 at which point a girl came into my life and after about a year and a half sabbatical for the wedding and such, I returned to RS. EOC came and ruined the game for me so I once again took a break and have returned because of OSRS. I used to do a bit of warring with clans such as blades of serenity, the death monkeighs, wicked fury, and more clans that I can't recall atm. Most recently I quit the elite paladins after being in-active in the clan for a few months. They were a great clan but their focus is eoc and I am looking for an OSRS clan.

3. Tell us about yourself (Name (if you are comfortable), gender, age, country, hobbies, music, talents, likes and dislikes):
You can call me Ron.
I collect/use guns (handguns and more recently AR-15s)
Classical music
No talents really
I like girls (married one) and don't like peas or snow.

4. How did you hear about us, and what makes you want to join WG?
WG used to ac wars when I was in TDM. I spent the day reading through several clan sites including: VR, DF, DI, ROT, Gen, and many more. WG seems to be the one with the least drama and highest morals.

Your PvP Experience

5. What multi-combat PvP experience do you have? Be sure to mention any recent or past F2P or P2P PvP clans you have been in.
A lot of f2p-style warring back in the day (~2006). I was also an anti-rc-pker for a good year or two(not multi-combat). I did a little BH as noted by my highscores in the eoc-game. Also I did a lot of castlewars back when you actually needed skill and a fast pid to win the games. I've got very little multi-way p2p wildy experience and the little I've had, I've hated.

6. Our warring times are usually between 4PM EST/9PM GMT and 6PM EST/11PM GMT on weekends, and sometimes weekdays. Can you regularly be active at these times?
I almost never play on sundays, that day is reserved for time with my wife. Saturdays, it depends on my wife's schedule and during the week, it depends on work.

7. Do you agree to keep your PvP gear well stocked? Can you stock up on the required gear found as a sticky in the 'Join the Clan' forum?
I'm a quest noob so I can't utilize all the gear yet but expenses are not an issue. I usually keep the items that I use on a regular basis, very well stocked. i.e. at the time of this app I have 190k waters, 16k chaos, 13k deaths, 2k blood, 2k super sets, 5k sharks, etc. As time goes on, my stock will become more complete as I'm still working on getting all the supplies I need in OSRS.

8. Do you understand that all PvP events are mandatory if you are online, and that you face removal from the clan should you blatantly skip these events?
I love f2p-style pvp events such as the fight pit one today and I will give p2p-style events a try again however if I dislike them as much as I did in the past, I would request the right to leave the clan so I do not have to attend the p2p-style pvp events.

Your Activity and Availability

9. Do you agree to check our forums daily, be on IRC at all times while you are in game, and to be on TeamSpeak for all wars and raids? (Please note, these are third party programs, but clans have been using them for years and are crucial to our success, as such they ARE a requirement.  Further details can be provided on request.)
Check our forums daily: No
be on IRC at all times while you are ingame: No, I have tried various clients such as SK and do not like them so I play on the RS downloadable client.
be on TeamSpeak for all wars and raids: If the area where I am gaming allows (sometimes I play in public areas). I have used TS in the past and would be willing to use it again.

10. Is there anything in the near future that may impact your activity or ability to attend events?
I'm closing on a house in a month (moving etc) and I have two-business related trips this summer.