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Messages - » Mike «

I like the idea but the beef needs to stay in OSRS, no beef in the legacy community
Clan World Discussion / Re: Where were you in 2005?
November 26, 2014, 08:27:42 AM
Just made TD with my irl m8s and was maxing my first account
Achievements / Re: 99 summon and complete max combat ^.^
November 26, 2014, 06:25:30 AM
gratz m8

RS3 INTRODUCTION: Bearszsszszs

My RuneScape Name: Bearszsszszs
My Previous RSNs: Killer Fame, Mikenatic, TT Infamous
Interested in PvP: Yes
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Well I started playing in '04 as a Magic pure until 2005 when I went main and Founded The Divines Clan with some friends which stayed open until 2012. It was an active P2P Pking cc from open to close. After TD closed I joined Collision shortly before transferring to The Titans. When The Titans closed I followed my friends to Pure Hatred where I warred with them until they closed. After PH closed I apped to Damage Incorporated hoping to find my oldschool pking roots, I stayed there awhile and achieved the Rank of Mentor. I became inactive and resigned from the Clan, when this happened I joined Poison and became the Warlord after a short amount of time. Sick of the beefing and crashing I left and hopped a couple of clans, none have really been right for my tastes. Hoping to finally settle down here for good.
My past/current clans/teams are: Past Clans:

Collision - Member - Transferred to TT

The Titans - Proud Titan - Closed

Divine Forces - FA - Didn't really care for their warring style or how the FA process worked

Pure Hatred - Senior - Closed

Damage Incorporated - Mentor - Left due to Inactivity

Poison - Warlord - Left after after trying to retire but wound up leaving instead, didn't care for the clan beef and such

Ronin - FA - Left because they treat their members like trash and only cause beef with other clans

Downfall - Member - Left because the officials don't care for their members and act NH towards members who leave


Critical Damage - MoTM - Left because the leaders were NH and ddosed people who tried to leave the team, which happened to me as well.

Team Trinity - Member - Closed when other teams slumped and died off in OSRS

Domination - Official - Closed after CWA came out in OSRS

Ascension - Member - Closed from inactive leaders on OSRS

Supreme 3gypt - Member - Recently closed from inactive leadership


The Divines - Leader - Inactive OSRS and Legacy Warring community, pretty much just a bunch of friends that hang out on TeamSpeak.

Remorseless - Member - OSRS P2P Team that fights a couple times a week, WG will be my priority if accepted.

About me: Well I go by Mike or Killer Fame, based on your preference. I work full time and take online classes for Business Administration. I live in Florida and I like to fish (irl haha) and online game (LoL, RS). I have skill with fixing vehicles and working with computer software and troubleshooting. When it comes to RS Im a dedicated PKer. I do like to skill and PvM, but nothing brings more joy to my heart than slaying someone for their items. Im also a seasoned Warrer, I have been a Warlord or called in almost every clan I've been in. PvP is what I know best. I've been working full time for a little over a year now and picked up taking classes in Business Management w/ Financial Applications and a Minor in Entrepreneurship which keeps me busy during the week but any fights on Thursday - Sunday I should be able to make no problem, Monday - Wednesday Im usually working nights and going to school in the morning.

I heard about WG through: Been clanning a long time, have fought WG my fair share of times in both wilderness and CWA
I want to join because: Not many Clans are adapting to Legacy like I had hoped, honestly this will more than likely be my last clan in RS and I want it to be a good experience, which I expect from WG in my experience from SG

Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (SwiftKit user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: My activity should be good, but as I included in my About Me section I have trouble making fights Monday - Wednesday, but Ill do my best to make it
Musician aye? You'll get along well with Lordy that's for sure haha Best of luck and welcome to the community :)
gl m8, welcome to the community
Alright so, there has been debate in the past that Naked Blasting and Binding is the way to go with F2P Maging. Others argue that the tankier Leather Chaps/Mage Robe Combo go better.

I've screenshotted the Gear bonuses between the two

Naked Blasting/Binding

1. The Mage Attack Bonus is actually Lower without the boost of the Mage Top
2. The Defensive stats are all LOWER but the Ranged Defense
3. The Strength Bonus is +3 GREATER than in Tank Mage - Always, in my opinion, The Melee/Binders should Bind Naked. Sacrificing -3 Mage Attack Bonus for +3 Strength Bonus. The Reason why is because the Melee/Binds keep their Melee Style Out Primarily and need the extra DPS, Along with the Blasters throwing Binds as well.
4. Remember to always have a Tank Switch for Tanking, Being One Shot is never acceptable.
5. Make sure you always have enough Runes and Runes for both Blast and Binds in your Inventory. Strong Mages Win Fights. Period.
6. Bring a Melee Switch if you have a Microphone on TeamSpeak, you never know when we may need callers, even if you think you're bad trying is never a bad thing.
7. Please Please Please try to Bring Anchovy Pizzas for tanking!

Tanky Blasting/Binding

1. The Mage Attack Bonus is boosted because of the Magic Robe Top, granting +3 Magic Attack bonus more than the Naked set up.
2. All Defensive Stats Bonuses are raised with the exception of Ranged Attacks.
3. The Strength Bonus is DECREASED by 3 with the tank mage gear but in exchange your Magic Attack Bonus will do more Damage by +3. I recommend this to ALL Blasters/Binders in the Pile. If you're Melee/Binding I Highly Recommend the Naked Style.
4. Be sure to Always have a tank Switch. Being One Shot should not be Tolerated.
5. Bring enough Runes for both Blasting and Binding.
6. Bring a Melee Switch if you have a Microphone on TeamSpeak, you never know when we might need people to step up and Call.
7. Try to Bring Anchovy Pizzas, Guaranteed better than Swordies
Welcome back, I think you should put a little more effort than copy and pasting imo but gl anyway
Clan World Discussion / Re: [INFORMAL POLL] WG RS3
April 26, 2014, 06:56:49 PM
In all honesty PvP is just plain fun, why not?


My RuneScape Name: Mikenatic
My Previous RSNs: Killer Fame, TT Infamous
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Well I started playing in '04 as a Magic pure until 2005 when I went main and Founded The Divines Clan with some friends which stayed open until 2012. It was an active P2P Pking cc from open to close. After TD closed I joined Collision shortly before transferring to The Titans. When The Titans closed I followed my friends to Pure Hatred where I warred with them until they closed. After PH closed I apped to Damage Incorporated hoping to find my oldschool pking roots, I stayed there awhile and achieved the Rank of Mentor. I became inactive and resigned from the Clan, when this happened I joined Poison to be with friends I knew from Clan Wars and that brings me here today to SG. I need a clan with a good community and an active citadel to ready myself for the upcoming Legacy Mode.
My past/current clans/teams are: The Divines Clan - Closed - Ending High Council

Team OverKill - Closed - Ending Warlord

Collision - Transferred to TT - Member

The Titans - Closed - Ending Proud Titan

Critical Damage - Left due because of No Honor Activities - Member of the Month November 2013

Pure Hatred - Closed - Ending Senior
Damage Incorporated - Left due to Inactivity - Mentor

Team Trinity - Closed - Ending Member

Poison - Current - Member

Team Domination - Current - Member

The Divines - Current - Leader & Founder

About me: Well I go by Mike or Killer Fame, based on your preference. I work full time and take online classes for Business Administration. I live in Florida and I like to fish (irl haha) and online game (LoL, RS). I have skill with fixing vehicles and working with computer software and troubleshooting. When it comes to RS Im a dedicated PKer. I do like to skill and PvM, but nothing brings more joy to my heart than slaying someone for their items. Im also a seasoned Warrer, I have been a Warlord or called in almost every clan I've been in. PvP is what I know best.

I heard about SG through: I idle in #WG_Lobby all the time.
I want to join because: I need a good place to skill and make money for the upcoming legacy mode update

Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (mIRC or other client user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: I work full time, other than that, no.