The Wilderness Guardians - OSRS Clan - PvP, PvM and More - OSRS Mobile Clans

Archives => Public Archives => Join the Clan => Topic started by: iscapesometimes on July 11, 2015, 04:16:51 AM

Title: [color=green][Accepted][/color] [07] Goldmen Sach
Post by: iscapesometimes on July 11, 2015, 04:16:51 AM


My RuneScape Name: Goldmen Sach
My Previous RSNs: time t0 k o
Joining for PvP events: No
My Combat Level: 92
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I consider myself as a veteran to the game, while seasoned  have made mistakes in the past. I started in 2005/6, quite frankly I don't even remember. Runescape started when a few of my soccer teammates dragged me into a computer game, it was the first, and remains the only CPU game I play. My previous name was for an affection towards Pking in F2P, having not been obtain membership until around 2012. My current name is attributed to that of the investment bank by Corporate name of Goldman Sachs, and while a large reason behind the American 08/09 recession a dream I am working towards and want to remind myself even when I enjoy some free time on RuneScape. I thoroughly enjoy pking, however I am absolutely shit in p2p and have stuck to f2p pking as my first membership opportunity arrived in only 2012. As for a skill, I love agility, it is probably the most relaxing skill with different courses to choose from. Sorry I lied, I hate agility, I believe it to be the sole cause of carpal tunnel on the internet. I rather enjoy combat, due to the multiple different forms and countless monster targets .

My past clans/teams and any current teams:

About me: My name is Phil, I am a male, or so the makeover mage says. I'm from Chinese origin living in Canada and attending University working towards my Finance degree. RS seems to be a rather anomaly in my life that acts as a little retreat. I am a big time sports fanatic, and will have the ability to trash talk amongst the best of them playing rugby and basketball at competitive levels in the past (now considered retired ;)). I occasionally fiddle with the violin, full pun intended and listen to music across the genre spectrum from classical to death metal, although some are much preferred over the others. One of my pet peeves I've discovered recently is the amount of streamers using house music. I am talented, so my parents say, but then again, whose don't?

I heard about WG through: YouTube
I want to join because: Your leader, no doubt. His videos emphasize his dedication to this clan whilst maintaining a heavy academic workload (I FEEL THE HIS PAIN) provides a great image for this clan, if the WG community within reflect that of its leader, would be a great pleasure to join.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Academic Deadlines
Title: Re: [color=yellow][Pending][/color] [07] Goldmen Sach
Post by: jaredspurr on July 11, 2015, 04:35:29 AM
nice app, question you say you like f2p pking which we do provide. would you be willing to do those aswell since you put you were not joining for pvp events?
Title: Re: [color=yellow][Pending][/color] [07] Goldmen Sach
Post by: iscapesometimes on July 11, 2015, 06:53:08 AM
I've been strolling through the forums, I'm unsure whether it's mains or pure F2P pking you're referring to, or is it both? Either/or I will definitely participate (I gotta feed the fam in lumby with them loots). Ideally with p2p, I want to at least max range before doing PvP.
Title: Re: [color=yellow][Pending][/color] [07] Goldmen Sach
Post by: Fatboy Rules on July 11, 2015, 08:43:37 AM
welcome to wg
Title: Re: [color=yellow][Pending][/color] [07] Goldmen Sach
Post by: jaredspurr on July 11, 2015, 11:20:33 AM
we are a main clan, even though currently we will have zerker pures or range tanks. but we fight other main clans
Title: Re: [color=yellow][Pending][/color] [07] Goldmen Sach
Post by: iscapesometimes on July 11, 2015, 02:02:10 PM
Looking forward to killing and dying.
Title: Re: [color=yellow][Pending][/color] [07] Goldmen Sach
Post by: Mojo on July 11, 2015, 02:33:29 PM
I'd suggest that you start PvP with us straight away but it's up to you. Just let your interviewer know your decision.

Anyway, welcome to WG boards Agility hater, 87 myself, and ask in IRC for an interview :)

Title: Re: [color=yellow][Pending][/color] [07] Goldmen Sach
Post by: Mojo on July 11, 2015, 04:01:46 PM
accepted :D
Title: Re: [color=green][Accepted][/color] [07] Goldmen Sach
Post by: Hathor666 on July 11, 2015, 07:02:39 PM
Welcome to the clan! I look forward to seeing you on some events soon!
Title: Re: [color=green][Accepted][/color] [07] Goldmen Sach
Post by: Frozen 10 on July 11, 2015, 10:34:24 PM
Welcome Phil!!
Title: Re: [color=green][Accepted][/color] [07] Goldmen Sach
Post by: PineappleTom on July 12, 2015, 09:46:37 PM
Hi Phil, for the right amount of money the makeover mage could change your mind on your gender :p

Welcome to the clan ! :D