The Wilderness Guardians - OSRS Clan - PvP, PvM and More - OSRS Mobile Clans

Archives => Public Archives => Join the Clan => Topic started by: Jrkd on April 01, 2016, 08:36:08 AM

Title: [color=red][Declined][/color] [07] meonyourGF
Post by: Jrkd on April 01, 2016, 08:36:08 AM


My RuneScape Name: meonyourGF
My Previous RSNs: Jrkd, SaltyGrill
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 109
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Well i started playing back in 2004 (?) and quitted after they deleted Wilderness from the game.
Then i restarded after they released OSRS and joined the famous clan called WildernessGuardians with the noobplayer Mojohazard1.
After a couple of months i had to make a decision since i moved to my now Ex-Girlfriend and had no time for Runescape anymore.
After 3 years now we are doneso and im instant addicted again and would like to rejoin u guys.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: Exercitum, Valhalla, WG and atm chilling a Country Community called Ger 07.

About me: My name is Kai, im 24 years old and living in Hamburg. I managed to finish my education as an electronics engineer and now working to get them runescape gps.

In my freetime i most likely play Runescape, chilling with my friends or enjoy just sitting around on my couch and play some ps4.

I heard about WG through: Long long time ago in 200X i saw that big clan fighting some other clan.
I want to join because: Well u guys where chilled back in the day and i hope u still are

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: No
Title: Re: [color=yellow][Pending][/color] [07] meonyourGF
Post by: Teequoze on April 01, 2016, 08:42:13 AM
Hi nice app

Hope to see you around soon on our events


Title: Re: [color=yellow][Pending][/color] [07] meonyourGF
Post by: Mojo on April 01, 2016, 05:50:38 PM
Hey the name is familiar. Welcome back :)