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Archives => Public Archives => Real Life Discussion => Topic started by: BeeBee on April 15, 2013, 11:19:40 PM

Title: Boston Explosion
Post by: BeeBee on April 15, 2013, 11:19:40 PM (

Really are some unpleasant people in the world.

15th April is a bad date in history:
Titanic sinks, Hillsborough disaster and now this.


Don't click if squeamish.

Explosions at the Boston Marathon (

edit: Keith this is why running is bad!
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Keith on April 15, 2013, 11:29:12 PM
I couldn't be more fucking pissed. This is my home. This is my sport. I had friends there running and watching. I have no words for how disgusted I am. To think I was planning to do it this year too.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Mojo on April 15, 2013, 11:31:07 PM
That is a horrible picture :O

I hope they find who did this
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Abs L on April 15, 2013, 11:45:51 PM
Holy crap that picture is definitely worth more than a thousand words
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Colinwarrior on April 15, 2013, 11:50:05 PM
Shit like that is why I joined the Army in the first place. Wish I could have been there to help.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Creeper975 on April 16, 2013, 12:07:45 AM
Nice copy and paste from AF forums  ^.-

But seriously its terrible, that video really hits you hard.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: His Lordship on April 16, 2013, 12:15:17 AM
I don't want to feel like a douche, but this is really unfair attention compared to many other deaths.
I'm not talking about war zones and world hunger. These deaths happen in safe parts of the world all the time.
58 people on a refugee boat just drowned off the coast of Australia a few hours ago, by the way.
As sad as I am to hear about this, I feel sorry for other victims who don't get this much support and attention.
No further comment, apart from restating I feel sorry for the loss, and encouraging people to re-calibrate their world view.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Creeper975 on April 16, 2013, 12:16:56 AM
I don't think its about the deaths. It's about the fact that it happened at a massive public event.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Randy on April 16, 2013, 12:19:37 AM
Quote from: Creeper975 on April 16, 2013, 12:16:56 AM
I don't think its about the deaths. It's about the fact that it happened at a massive public event.
And that it was a terror attack... only a small detail.
Accidents happen and people die.
When someone intentionally explodes some bombs then yeah it deserves media attention.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Colinwarrior on April 16, 2013, 12:20:25 AM
Quote from: His Lordship on April 16, 2013, 12:15:17 AM
I don't want to feel like a douche, but this is really unfair attention compared to many other deaths.
I'm not talking about war zones and world hunger. These deaths happen in safe parts of the world all the time.
58 people on a refugee boat just drowned off the coast of Australia a few hours ago, by the way.
As sad as I am to hear about this, I feel sorry for other victims who don't get this much support and attention.
No further comment, apart from restating I feel sorry for the loss, and encouraging people to re-calibrate their world view.

Millions of people die from heart disease every year. 40,000+ people die in America every year from car crashes. It's HOW people die that determine if it's news-worthy or not.

How often does an international sporting event have bombs go off in the crowd?

I agree that every accidental death is a tragedy, but this is an unusual event that has happened.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Wayshow on April 16, 2013, 12:33:09 AM
I was planning to go and check out the marathon.... So relieved I didn't.
This is just messed up. I hope they catch the perpetrators soon
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: His Lordship on April 16, 2013, 12:39:46 AM
No doubt it's highly unusual. We're on the same page.
That's definitely why it's making world headlines rather than a mass shooting that happens every so often.
Question: Is it a good idea to prioritise our attention, allocating it to the most unusual attacks?
Two people died and it's making world headlines.
There is no hate in me, but I feel so bad for the (on average) 85 Americans who will be killed by a gun TODAY, silently.
I am asking for a lot: a change in priorities. I'll say no more because death is death and this is still a tragedy.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Keith on April 16, 2013, 12:45:31 AM
Quote from: Colinwarrior on April 16, 2013, 12:20:25 AM
Quote from: His Lordship on April 16, 2013, 12:15:17 AM
I don't want to feel like a douche, but this is really unfair attention compared to many other deaths.
I'm not talking about war zones and world hunger. These deaths happen in safe parts of the world all the time.
58 people on a refugee boat just drowned off the coast of Australia a few hours ago, by the way.
As sad as I am to hear about this, I feel sorry for other victims who don't get this much support and attention.
No further comment, apart from restating I feel sorry for the loss, and encouraging people to re-calibrate their world view.

Millions of people die from heart disease every year. 40,000+ people die in America every year from car crashes. It's HOW people die that determine if it's news-worthy or not.

How often does an international sporting event have bombs go off in the crowd?

I agree that every accidental death is a tragedy, but this is an unusual event that has happened.

Yeah I'd say this is an international scale catastrophe, people come from just about every country in the world. I know you're just trying to point out how people and media suck, which they do. Legit even after this trending searches on Yahoo only listed the explosions at #5 and 30 mins later down to #10, and now it's not even on there. Guess what's on the list?     
    1 Rodman FBI informant
    2 Charlie Wilson dies
    3 Baggy pants illegal
    4 Rihanna cancels show
    5 Space Mountain closed
    6 $25 billion offer
    7 John Galardi dies
    8 R. Kelly Coachella
    9 $1B Apple scheme
    10 Shooting suspect holed up...

People are dumb sacks of shit.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Creeper975 on April 16, 2013, 01:10:18 AM
If it makes you feel better most of the stuff of the front page of Reddit is related to it and will stay like that for a few more hours.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Flames377 on April 16, 2013, 02:05:39 AM
Its so unbelievable how countries can't stop feuding and have to do things like this. Were not going into their country and blowing up things killing innocent lives. Its so sickening how people can do this.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Colinwarrior on April 16, 2013, 02:08:41 AM
Quote from: Flames377 on April 16, 2013, 02:05:39 AM
Its so unbelievable how countries can't stop feuding and have to do things like this. Were not going into their country and blowing up things killing innocent lives. Its so sickening how people can do this.

Oh, so you know who did it?
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Keith on April 16, 2013, 02:49:36 AM
Quote from: Colinwarrior on April 16, 2013, 02:08:41 AM
Quote from: Flames377 on April 16, 2013, 02:05:39 AM
Its so unbelievable how countries can't stop feuding and have to do things like this. Were not going into their country and blowing up things killing innocent lives. Its so sickening how people can do this.

Oh, so you know who did it?

Yeah we can't jump to conclusions. I feel like it was done by some kind of attention seeking amateur. It's not a "coming in to our country" thing either, this is an international event. I mean even look at the footage. The explosions happened right next to all the country flags. It's more a matter of this affects Americans most because it was in our country, but it really should affect everyone. It effects me particularly because I've lived in Massachusetts like my whole life and I didn't really see this kind of thing happening at a marathon, ever. The combination of friends and family possibly being at risk and a hit to the sport I do is a killer combo. It sucks. Also glad you're alright Wayshow, hope no one you go to school with was directly affected, tufts is right there!
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Rick on April 16, 2013, 03:02:01 AM
Thoughts go out to the victims and their families.

The culprits, according the Obama will feel the "full weight of justice"

Justice in some of these medieval countries still follow the 'eye for an eye' principle. Not something I agree with, but regardless of race, religion, political differences etc I cannot comprehend a reason why people feel it is acceptable to inflict so much pain, both physically and emotionally.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Josheh on April 16, 2013, 03:21:17 AM
Guantanamo has been getting bad press lately, guess not anymore!

Ill just leave these here for you

Iraq deadly bombings hit Nasariyah, Kirkuk and Baghdad (
same story difference source: (

It sucks that Boston was bombed. Other people get bombed too, on their home soil. I hope Americas reaction isn't one of violence, that sets a terrible standard.

EDIT: here's something interesting if you're concerned about people getting bombed on their own soil by cowards. (
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: zi11ar on April 16, 2013, 04:19:19 AM

duno how to post images but yeah, my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and those affected and it is a tragedy. im just wondering what obama will do next, bomb control? or ban public assemblies.. i wouldnt be suprised if they had something to do with it.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Randy on April 16, 2013, 04:56:27 AM
Quote from: zi11ar on April 16, 2013, 04:19:19 AM

duno how to post images but yeah, my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and those affected and it is a tragedy. im just wondering what obama will do next, bomb control? or ban public assemblies.. i wouldnt be suprised if they had something to do with it.
Lol, what? There is no logic in the picture at all.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Josheh on April 16, 2013, 05:06:11 AM
Quote from: Randy on April 16, 2013, 04:56:27 AM
Quote from: zi11ar on April 16, 2013, 04:19:19 AM

duno how to post images but yeah, my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and those affected and it is a tragedy. im just wondering what obama will do next, bomb control? or ban public assemblies.. i wouldnt be suprised if they had something to do with it.
Lol, what? There is no logic in the picture at all.

There isn't much logic in a lot of things surrounding this.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Randy on April 16, 2013, 05:15:22 AM
Quote from: Josheh on April 16, 2013, 05:06:11 AM
Quote from: Randy on April 16, 2013, 04:56:27 AM
Quote from: zi11ar on April 16, 2013, 04:19:19 AM

duno how to post images but yeah, my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and those affected and it is a tragedy. im just wondering what obama will do next, bomb control? or ban public assemblies.. i wouldnt be suprised if they had something to do with it.
Lol, what? There is no logic in the picture at all.

There isn't much logic in a lot of things surrounding this.
Well yeah, there's basically no proof of anything yet.
Kind of silly to jump the gun blame the government in less than a day don't ya think?
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Colinwarrior on April 16, 2013, 06:23:11 AM
And the people wearing tinfoil-hats are already hard at work...
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Ts Stormrage on April 16, 2013, 10:20:18 AM
Quote from: Randy on April 16, 2013, 12:19:37 AM
Quote from: Creeper975 on April 16, 2013, 12:16:56 AM
I don't think its about the deaths. It's about the fact that it happened at a massive public event.
And that it was a terror attack... only a small detail.
Accidents happen and people die.
When someone intentionally explodes some bombs then yeah it deserves media attention.

And yet when the umpteenth bomb explodes on a market in Bagdad, killing dozens and injuring hundreds, it isn't even front page news anymore...

Honestly, I am just as unphased by this as I am by the Bagdad explosions, or by the mass shootings, or by the millions that die on the road every day, etc etc...

What will happen? Let's compare shall we? Explosions in Madrid? Keep calm and carry on... Same with Oslo... Explosions in London? Well what would the americuns do?

And when an explosion happens in the land of the "free" and the home of the brave? Panic buttons are pushed, freedoms are eliminated, and you get anally probed everytime you want to go anywhere...
Ah yes, the illusion of safety... Those explosions kinda point towards all those security measures not working, do they...

I dunno who said that when you have to give up your freedom for security, you are worthy of neither... But if it does turn out to be a bunch of terrorists, and as a consequence of that, americans lose even more freedoms... Trust me, they've won... Cuz the one button you can always push on the states is the panic button...

And I like none of it...
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: His Lordship on April 16, 2013, 10:26:23 AM
Let's not turn this into an America bash. Any amount of grief is valid, and all of us know already that the world media is biased to unusual American tragedies.
I agree that the balance is out of order, but if people are feeling pain over this, now is not the time for that debate Stormrage.
Nobody here can agree with you more, but we can have this discussion later.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Rachellove9 on April 16, 2013, 11:11:10 AM
Most people won't realize how far this one event will affect millions of people over the years.
It's not a one day, one moment type of event.
The governments in the city, state and country will somehow change security and laws that will leave lasting effects on our whole country.

Then least we forget the ones that were killed or injured.
They will be dealing with this for their entire lives as will their family and friends.

I go to this type of event in Pittsburgh and I've participated in the past.
It will make the average not so great supporter of these events less likely to go.
It effects the sport.

I'm not any less sad when I see other people killed.
To me it is very sad that our news doesn't report the other countries tragedies in a way we can feel your pain.
Some times we get a quick one line across the bottom of the news screen and I have to go look it up on the net to read more.
With the general size of our country being so large in mass, it isn't surprising that we have high media coverage for our tragic events.
All the states have to know what is going on even in the most remote places.

I was at a local high school running event when I heard this.
It was so hard hitting that they bomb at a sporting event like this.
I also have people I know running in Boston.
I haven't heard any news of their safety.

Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Keith on April 16, 2013, 11:43:02 AM
Quote from: Randy on April 16, 2013, 05:15:22 AM
Quote from: Josheh on April 16, 2013, 05:06:11 AM
Quote from: Randy on April 16, 2013, 04:56:27 AM
Quote from: zi11ar on April 16, 2013, 04:19:19 AM

duno how to post images but yeah, my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and those affected and it is a tragedy. im just wondering what obama will do next, bomb control? or ban public assemblies.. i wouldnt be suprised if they had something to do with it.
Lol, what? There is no logic in the picture at all.

There isn't much logic in a lot of things surrounding this.
Well yeah, there's basically no proof of anything yet.
Kind of silly to jump the gun blame the government in less than a day don't ya think?

Yeah seriously, how dare you trample on the people who's lies have been lost with a conspiracy theory. That second picture was snipers they put on the roof afterwards, you think they were up there waiting for it to go off or something? This is serious and I'm not going to stand for any belittling of the situation. Try me.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Elyxiatic on April 16, 2013, 12:15:42 PM
Quote from: His Lordship on April 16, 2013, 12:39:46 AM
No doubt it's highly unusual. We're on the same page.
That's definitely why it's making world headlines rather than a mass shooting that happens every so often.
Question: Is it a good idea to prioritise our attention, allocating it to the most unusual attacks?
Two people died and it's making world headlines.
There is no hate in me, but I feel so bad for the (on average) 85 Americans who will be killed by a gun TODAY, silently.
I am asking for a lot: a change in priorities. I'll say no more because death is death and this is still a tragedy.

I'm quite disgusted by the attitude you've taken on this thread.
America is a first world country, where you would (normally) expect to be safe at a public event. You cannot say the same for a lot of third world countries.

The issue here isn't the deaths. It's how somebody deliberately blew up a bomb to inflict harm and damage to people. Only 3 may have died, but there were a lot injured.

QuoteQuestion: Is it a good idea to prioritise our attention, allocating it to the most unusual attacks?

Yes, yes it is. Unusual means not expected. Meaning it takes people by surprise.

On the topic of Australian asylum seekers, that did make our headlines over here. Front page.

To be fair Gene, I don't think you should have posted on this thread.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: His Lordship on April 16, 2013, 12:46:14 PM
Pretending to be someone I'm not is worse than me trying to express my opinion in the politest possible way, which I did.
I'm *gently* encouraging people to shift their values because I am strongly against tunnel-vision sympathy.
There is so much out there worthy of your sentiments, but it's getting ignored.
I never once said it was bad to give sympathy to this, but I DID say there are other things too.
Of course the refugees made the front page in Australia lol. They didn't in London, take my word for it.
Just because someone was creative in the way they murder doesn't make the deaths more significant than the kid who gets shot in school.
The only reason people like to hear about unusual attacks is because it feels more relevant to them.
"Oh no, even a marathon is unsafe". Plenty of public places in the USA get mass attacked... such as schools.
The proportions are out of whack. Sympathy for these people is great, but God I wish people would get some perspective.
This isn't the huge tragedy the media is making it out to be. THAT SAID, sympathy for this cause is better than none at all.

While you guys mourn these three deaths, I will be thinking about the other 100 or so Americans who will be murdered today.
How dare you attack my attitude, when I was IN FACT trying to quell protesting in this topic. (Eg. First post this page)
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Fuls on April 16, 2013, 03:13:36 PM
What gene is saying is right, This shit even tho it is disgusting, take one look at the shit that goes on in Africa, slaughtering hundreds of thousands, Over in Syria millions being slaughtered and killed, North Korea their camps are just as fucked up as Hitler.
While this terrorist attack is a terrible tragedy and should never have happened It also shows the bias media effect that goes on, that "we only care about what happens in our western world" Doubt most of you know how serious the drug cartel is over there, thousands of people murdered every day by these people that are just out there to better themselves, these people are terrorists as well and very very little light is shone their way.
The media is fucked and controlled they only air and re-air and re-air again shit that "they think" people will give two shits about, where these 3 people here vs the 10's of thousands of people that are murdered every day through other terrorist means its fucked.

QuoteI'm quite disgusted by the attitude you've taken on this thread.
America is a first world country, where you would (normally) expect to be safe at a public event. You cannot say the same for a lot of third world countries.

You contradict yourself with that post, where thousands of people in america are shot dead over drugs every day with no "Massive media attention" and that is in the heart of a "1'st world" country. You have no right to be disgusted at anyone maybe you should rethink what you say before you say it.

People just need to open their minds up a shitload more to shit that goes on and think hey can I make a difference or am I just going to sit here and go on with my normal life and look at a media story go, oh that's terrible, then move on with your life a few days later forgetting about what happened.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Ts Stormrage on April 16, 2013, 03:47:27 PM
Since when did the US become a 1st world country?
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Randy on April 16, 2013, 04:06:32 PM
Quote from: Ts Stormrage on April 16, 2013, 03:47:27 PM
Since when did the US become a 1st world country?
Since when did the Netherlands become relevant to anything, ever?

Instead of posting prayers and condolences it turned into a typical WG topic.
Mind you it wasn't even posted by an American, Lordy + the usual 9/11 crew spew the same thing every year.
Find me one post where an American belittled any other tragedy around the world. So why even bring it up?
Can't we just acknowledge this event and give our condolences and move on?
The only reason any of you are posting this is because it's over the internet, none of you would in a real conversation because it's a RUDE thing to do.

In trying to point out ignorance you're appearing ignorant yourselves.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: His Lordship on April 16, 2013, 05:44:30 PM
OK fine, I guess I was belittling the event, but I did it in comparison to another American tragedy, so don't call me anti-American please.
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Buns on April 16, 2013, 06:15:12 PM
holy shit i shouldve never clicked on that pic. disgusting....
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Colinwarrior on April 16, 2013, 07:23:30 PM
Quote from: Ts Stormrage on April 16, 2013, 03:47:27 PM
Since when did the US become a 1st world country?

Holy fucking shit. Do you want to compare what the United States and the Netherlands have done for the world economically, culturally, or by any other standard? Just get the fuck out.

This thread has gone south fast. It went from a current events thread mourning an unexpected and unusual tragedy to a diatribe of America-bashing, unwarranted and opinionated banter, and general shit-posting.

Just lock this thread already...
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Owen on April 16, 2013, 07:41:55 PM
And this is why I don't post on these threads!
Title: Re: Boston Explosion
Post by: Rachellove9 on April 16, 2013, 08:00:05 PM
We do have rules about not attacking each other over country.
I'm very disappointed to say the least.
Thanks to those who posted in a caring way.
This post is being locked.