My RuneScape Name: S P K E R
My Previous RSNs: New Spker
My Combat Level:
My Stats:
About my RuneScape Account and History: Started playing around 2004, I played some rsc but didn't like it, started on rs2. Since then, I did a ton of f2p pking.
My past clans/teams and any current teams: Various f2p clans and massers. Groups like the Aps, I can't remember any others around that time. Also ran with a group called Fearless while Bounty Hunter was popular (low crater, f2p). The group itself was a mess, but among its top ranks we controlled the center of BH for a long time. We even got a friend to 66 combat while inside the low crater, transferred rune armor.
About me: I'm 21 and I live in California.
Edit: I am in the Reddit fc quite often, play oldschool only, never played EoC. I go to college and am majoring in Computer Science. I listen to a lot of music (or at least used to) and frequent private torrent trackers. I'm a bit introverted, but I do like to chat sometimes.
I heard about WG through: Saw an ad on zybez
I want to join because: Clicked your ad and saw a couple videos and introductions. Now that I'm high combat I want to spend some time in the wilderness.
Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet registered (But using SwiftKit)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed
Regarding future events which may impact my activity: I'm a student
Hi, welcome to wg. You might like to add a little more about yourself to the questions in the app. Good luck!
Add a little more about yourself would be great, also could you please be specific for your clans. Welcome to WG boards