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Messages - drakonlort

Blogs / Re: Josh grinds for devotion!
March 11, 2014, 10:36:53 PM
Just know that this game has been made on the basis of giving you everything expect for the things you want. in your case abilities in my case bank  :nyan:
One of the problems is having to many different kind of abilities that do the same thing.

2 examples:
Havoc: 100% of both weapons. vs Decimate: 100% of both weapons and if its wearing a shield 157%. Like why not only keep Decimate, add the improvement at the right strength lvl.
Bash (shield stun) while we have Backhand or kick. There is a small difference in backhand and kick, but not between backhand and bash.

they should also just reduce the amount of basic abilities because who cares its al about the threshold and ultimate's

No wonder old school won the interface in RS3 is shit until you learn how to make it pretty. Also for RS3 you need a way bigger starting and learning curve then for old school RS. But old school RS will be boring in a shorter time due to the lack of awesome mini games that RS3 has.

The fact that accuracy killed all the weapons below 70. R.I.P. my dragon longsword
I bet this is just a setup to add lvl 100 weapons that you can buy in soloman store.
Wicked pouch is the start of shit going wrong, pay to win item. 80 coins you save all your inventory spot and you will be able to cast everything even if you didn't add the runes for it, but aslong as it got enough points like wtf. or change your prayer / mage book at a bank.
Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
March 02, 2014, 05:40:39 AM

I quit around December, it was just sheit expansion tbh =/. to much dailies / grind needed.
Prob start next expension again with my normal heirloom weapon.
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Double xp Weekend!
February 06, 2014, 08:24:24 PM
Btw can we extend the build tick from Clan Citadel by one week if needed and just keep every plot open in Citadel so everyone can enjoy some awesome exp up in there. this is ofc during 21t/m27 February build tick.
welcome :p, just wait for the slackers to return


My RuneScape Name: Drakonlort
My Previous RSNs:
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I made my account around 2004, the first thing I did was own some goblins. Until I met Highwayman I kept typing stop hitting me stop!!! and then I died thinking I was killed by another player. Started smithing right away until I had my epic iron armor proud like a champ. Until I hit a mage and died again. I knew what needed to be done and I started reading stuff =P. From that moment I started doing quests and thats the main reason I play RS. lvling gets really boring when your friends leave, so I have had alot of breaks inbetween but I keep coming back to do the quest xD.
I have only done GW twice and I enjoyed the hunt. Favorite activities are Penguin hide and seek, Quest, Pest Control and Temple tracking

My past/current clans/teams are: I have been in 3, by random invites but they didnt feel like a nice group and I left. no clue about the names.
About me: My first name is Marinos, I am 21 male, and I live in Holland. I like watching anime, play a bit of RS and some other games when I have time. I also hit the gym twice a week.
I am in my last year of Medical Microbiology, this means that I go to school twice a week and work three days a week. I also work on Saturday to earn some savings.
School will get all the love it can get, because if I miss to many points then I can't do my graduation project in February.
I also have dyslexia so if you don't understand me just type whut? and I'll try to fix it.

I heard about SG through: tip.it
I want to join because: Sociale, fun, dungeneering buddies, and killing bosses

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet registered (But using SwiftKit)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Exams, projects, and February will hit me right there