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Topics - drakonlort



My RuneScape Name: Drakonlort
My Previous RSNs:
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I made my account around 2004, the first thing I did was own some goblins. Until I met Highwayman I kept typing stop hitting me stop!!! and then I died thinking I was killed by another player. Started smithing right away until I had my epic iron armor proud like a champ. Until I hit a mage and died again. I knew what needed to be done and I started reading stuff =P. From that moment I started doing quests and thats the main reason I play RS. lvling gets really boring when your friends leave, so I have had alot of breaks inbetween but I keep coming back to do the quest xD.
I have only done GW twice and I enjoyed the hunt. Favorite activities are Penguin hide and seek, Quest, Pest Control and Temple tracking

My past/current clans/teams are: I have been in 3, by random invites but they didnt feel like a nice group and I left. no clue about the names.
About me: My first name is Marinos, I am 21 male, and I live in Holland. I like watching anime, play a bit of RS and some other games when I have time. I also hit the gym twice a week.
I am in my last year of Medical Microbiology, this means that I go to school twice a week and work three days a week. I also work on Saturday to earn some savings.
School will get all the love it can get, because if I miss to many points then I can't do my graduation project in February.
I also have dyslexia so if you don't understand me just type whut? and I'll try to fix it.

I heard about SG through: tip.it
I want to join because: Sociale, fun, dungeneering buddies, and killing bosses

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet registered (But using SwiftKit)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Exams, projects, and February will hit me right there