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Topics - Hirose

House of Random / Names...
May 07, 2014, 09:26:12 PM
So after joining and seeing the application, I was actually wondering and wanting to start up a topic discussing something.  :nyan:

I know that it's answered in applications and whatnot, but I don't feel it touches on the core aspect of the question which is: What made you decide to pick the name you did for your runescape character?

For me, My IGN is Hirose Reiji in japanese. Reiji is the first name, which means Midnight, Hirose is the last name, Which means Guiding Light. So when pronounced as Hirose Reiji in japanese, It means Midnight's Guiding Light. Which I personally feel kinda great about. For myself I'm a Wiccan, I'm also hugely into Japan and it's culture so the meaning of the name has some very special significance to myself and what I live by. So my question to everyone else is:

Why did you pick your runescape name and if it has one, What is it's meaning?


My RuneScape Name: Hirose Reiji
My Previous RSNs: Darkabyss29, Raistl1n
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Originally when I started it was going to be heavily combat focused, but as I continued on and started questing it became much more varied. before my name didn't really stand for anything, However now that it is 'Hirose Reiji', In 'english' it'd be read as Reiji Hirose, Reiji being the first name, Hirose being the last. In japanese culture, It is proper to say the last name first however, Hence it being 'Hirose Reiji'. In Japanese, the name means 'Midnight's Guiding Light'. My favorite activities in runescape I'd have to say right now are a mixture between Magic combat and dual wielding combat as well as some dungeoneering mixed in. Overall my account has been pking, Pvming, Bossing and many other things.
My past/current clans/teams are: In my history I've only been in about 2-3 clans in total, the one I'm currently in as well as a few others I left voluntarily due to.... conflict of interests.
About me: My name is Stephen Kelly Nichols, Male, 23 and currently living in Coupeville, Washington. I was born and raised the first 6 years of my life in florida and have since moved almost everywhere within the USA aside from alaska. I've never been outside the country sadly though I'd like to either visit or move to Japan someday. I love the culture in Japan as well as the games there. My Hobbies outside of RS include gaming, gaming, gaming and more gaming essentially. I'm a huge nerd and proud to admit it though in honesty I really don't have many hobbies outside of gaming. I like most kinds of music and I absolutely love OST (Original sound tracks) of almost any kind. There's little i dislike and there's quite a lot I like and would take hours explaining all of them since they're so very very varied.

I heard about SG through: I heard about WG actually when I was looking up a video about the new Legacy that was coming out. I found His Lordship's video on it as the first video in the search and watched a few of his videos and... well, Now, Here I am.
I want to join because: EVERYTHING!

Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (mIRC or other client user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Not Yet Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: I currently do not own my own computer however am working on it and should hopefully have one in the near future. Because of this I can't install teamspeak until I get my own computer.