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Topics - shurtugal175

Join the Clan / iShurt's Introduction - WG
July 27, 2011, 06:07:08 AM
Introduction - iShurt
1. Is this introduction for the Wilderness Guardians or Descendant Guardians?
This introduction is for the Wilderness Guardians.
2. Tell us about your RuneScape history and your account (e.g. when you started, what your RSN means, favourite activities etc.) :
I started playing runescape back in the classic era, although my RS life was short lived, I thought the game was absolutely stupid at the time, and just stopped playing. A few years later, I came back to RS2, which is when I started playing seriously. My account was originally a skiller, but a few years back, I decided to go pking. I was instantly captivated by it. It's been what I've been doing most of the time these days. My account's name is an Namechange from Shurtugal175, which was derived from the Eragon book series.
3. Tell us more about yourself (Age, country/state, gender, hobbies, music, skills, likes and dislikes):
My name's David, and I'm 16. I'm from Los Angeles, California, and obviously, a male, would be weird to have a girl named David, right?:P. My hobbies include basketball and listening to music. Honestly, I can say out of these I love music the most. I'm trying to pursue a career in music. I love food and my hobbies. I don't really dislike any particular thing.
4. How did you hear about us and what makes you want to join WG or DG:
I heard about WG from the Zybez forums, where I was directed towards the IRC channel. At the time, I was looking into some other clans, too, but after staying in the IRC channel a while, I decided I liked WG the best. The community was actually active, and seemed interesting. As I said earlier, I'm a skiller turned pker, so this clan who's All-around, according to His Lordship, fits me perfectly, as I can skill AND pk.

5. Are there any current WG or DG members who you already know:
I don't know any of the members personally, but I talked to Rachellove in the ccc a few hours ago, where I was visiting as a guest,
6. Any additional comments:

My private chat is currently on friends, but if you want me to add you, I'd be more than willing. Also, I have a few PVP vids out on youtube on channel Shurtugal175, so if you will, please check them out.

Also, I posted this on the old WG forums and was waiting all this time, I feel so stupid right now LOL.