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Topics - adamlaw



My RuneScape Name: Rekt You EZ
My Previous RSNs:
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 92
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Started playing in 04 when I was in middle school. Had a main until it got hacked few months later, I made another account which was a tank build by accident (high range/def) and became a pker in F2P. Got membership in late 2004 and I started Pking as a tank with Team Ascension, one of RuneScapes most famous clans back then, some members included Bloodhoun34, Elvemage, Mug  Shot, Noob Rider, etc. My name ATM was a joke between me and a friend, means nothing but a troll joke we made up.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: Only clan I've ever been in was Team Ascension as mentioned in my RS account and history, was one of RuneScapes most famous clan back in 04-07 before wilderness got taken away. None since then, always played solo.

About me: Im a Male, 23, I live in the USA, and I'm active duty in the US Navy. My MOS (Job) in the Military is Master At Arms, which is Military Police. Some of my hobbies include going to the shooting range and practicing martial arts. I started Tae Kwon Do at the age of 6, I'm currently 4th Dan in the art. Started Boxing when i was 8, and still am to this day. I like old school rock, Guns N roses, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, you name it. I like Pking on my free time and I don't dislike many things.

I heard about WG through: OSRS Forums
I want to join because: OSRS is boring without friends. Most of my friends quit already. Just looking for friends is all.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Deployments with the military, usually can be foretold, but not always.