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Topics - Cress



My RuneScape Name: Young Cress
My Previous RSNs: Cresstyl
My Combat Level: 85
My Total Level: 1274
In the DS Clan Chat already: Yes

About my RuneScape Account and History: I first started playing Runescape since classic. I didn't actually start playing constantly until Free Trade was taken away. I prefer to train mage by combat. my favorite mini game is actually stealing creations. I love to do group activities.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: I have been in clans in the past 7 years. I have not played didn't he past two so I don't remember the clans.

About me: Hello, My IRL name is Sean and I recognize myself of the male gender.  My age is 20. Location is the United States.

Some hobbies.
I'm a 99 Dark Warlord Assassin that's been alive for the past 3 mass extinctions. I command the dark forces the the underworld to my bidden.

I'm into Anime/Games....The generic Weeaboo gamer kinda stuff.

I'm currently in college. That means Monday-Thursday I might not be on.

I heard about WG through: Reddit