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Topics - Sniper2400



My RuneScape Name: Sniper2400
My Previous RSNs:
My Combat Level: 26
My Total Level: 242
In the DS Clan Chat already: No

About my RuneScape Account and History: Been playing RS off and on for just under 10 years now, and aside from a few real-life friends who I've played alongside, I've never had a consistent and wholesome RS community to be involved in.  Since I began playing DarkScape last week, I've enjoyed my experience so far but I'll admit it is a little isolating to be playing it solo.  I'm looking for an involving and friendly clan on the DarkScape side and if it works out as well as I hope it does, I will be interested in PvPing in RS3 with my 120+ main with such close friends as I hope to make here, first primarily via Darkscape.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: I've hopped around clans in the past, either personal issues prevented me from logging on consistently or the clan would fail to live up to their advertised standards.  Currently my RS3 main is part of Abstract Insanity, a small clan that prides itself on social interaction. 

About me: My name is Kevin, I'm a male in my early 20's from the USA currently in military training so my schedule can vary without much notice.  Outside of RS I enjoy soccer (watching and playing), boating, reading, and working out.  My music scene right now is mostly deep house with mumford and son-esque acoustics thrown in here and there for good measure.  Kygo is my go-to artist.  Food wise I prefer classic American cuisine like Cheeseburgers and pizza.  My favorite book is the Count of Monte Cristo.

I heard about WG through: Learned about WG from one of your Darkscape forum beginner guides