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DS INTRODUCTION: slapndtickle

My RuneScape Name: slapndtickle
My Previous RSNs: awp182, im lvl
My Combat Level: 921
My Total Level: 83 combat - 75 att, 72 magic (about to train to 75) 60 str 50 def 52 prayer
In the DS Clan Chat already: No

About my RuneScape Account and History: i started playing rs in 2002 and have played on and off(last time i played was prior to eoc), i have only recently started playing again due to darkscape as i used to pk alot and occasion pvm. i have a character in rs3 but i prefer darkscape.

My past clans/teams and any current teams:

About me: I am 25 years old male who is a plumber by trade and live in Australia. Hobbies would be gym anything to do with fitness, other games, motorcycle riding.

I heard about WG through: multiple forums and google