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Topics - Zamoroakmonk


RS3 INTRODUCTION: Zamoroakmonk

My RuneScape Name: Zamoroakmonk
My Previous RSNs: Ironfisher32

My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: First started this account around 2005 and was a melle account to my iron fisher one, which was pure fishing. ( going for that rich lvl3 account lol ) Started life out on this account to be pure Mage and prayer; Zamorok ( zamoroak ) for the Mage and monk for prayer, but is now my only account and main account.

My past/current clans/teams are: all my previous clans had been friend and social based clans, but more and more people left them and nobody ever wanted to pvm or pvp. Just skillers been hard pushed to find a good clan based on pvp or pvm or both.

About me: My name is TEEJAY ( yes that's actually how it's spelt ) :P I'm male, 22 years of age, soon to be 23 in October. I love airsofting, paint balling and playing most games on the ps4 and runescape on my laptop. Id say my talent was ice skating / ice hockey as was going to be scouted for Nottingham panthars but my parent didn't want it to intervene with school times. :/ hmm likes and dislikes.
Likes: friendly informative people, chocolate.
Dislikes: all and every type of scammer! had in excess of 29m scammed from me just on my current account it's always something different, from being lured the famous g maul scam, money scam, ect... I build trust with people now before doing anything like these and tread carefully warning other people about potential scams being victim to them myself.

I heard about WG through: Via runehq forum
I want to join because: When I watched the video you guys have up on the rhq forum, it made me feel like I want to be apart of that and hopefully become a big part of this clan.

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Having a child around April, which may or may not hinder my ability to attend events