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Topics - Senor Tigre



My RuneScape Name: Senor Tigre
My Previous RSNs:
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 105
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I started playing in 2004-2005 and fell in love with the goal-setting nature. My name is a play on my alma mater and my awareness of various south american culture learned from close family friends. My favorite skill is probably fishing because of the laid back nature and community that forms at your favorite spots/worlds. Combat-wise, I've always taken the route of quickness and accuracy, so I focus on balance. Overall, I thrive on a sense of community.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: The list is too extensive from memory... The classic White Dragons and British Demons, TNT... It's been all based on the leadership and sense of unity.

About me: I'm a young male that enjoys a great craft beer, I love biking and searching mountain trails, but never more than a long night laughing and gaming with an energetic community.

I heard about WG through: WG Orange
I want to join because: Community. I watched the drunken raid and said "that's a team for me."

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Job transitioning as a young professional