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My RuneScape Name: MrTobbo
My Previous RSNs: HabboMaduk was my name on runescape classic a long long time ago Then I had Small_anger (my 99 range and def tank). Mainly played RSPS's since then and played on the other halfs account to help her a little bit which is Neeboo. Gave Small anger to my 11 year old nethew who lost it years ago.
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 114
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Well where to start, Like I say I've played for a long time.. Come back and power leveled my mele while watching tv as I'm off work for the month. Back to full time hours from next friday :(.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: Cannot even remeber clan names as its been so long was RS2 BETA last time i was in a clan.

About me: I'm 28 years old with 2 kids aged 6 and 4. My 6 year old is wanting to play on runescape which is what got me back onto the game lol. I work for Virgin Media 40 hours a week.. Both me and my Fiance have played runescape for years on and off we've been together around 8 years.

I heard about WG through: Runescape forums
I want to join because: Professionalism. I was a bit cautious when I seen that kid bragging for scamming 40 mill on discord but then he was removed :). Don't have time for scammers. Also the fact some of you guys were around in RSC! most people never played it.

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Work but normally home them times.