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Topics - Voidroy



My RuneScape Name: Voidroy
My Previous RSNs:
My Combat Level: 106
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I have been playing runescape sense 2006. I no longer have that same account and had to restart many times. My current main is Voidroy he has 1724 total and 80+ combat stats. I haven't pvpd on this account that much, i have 1 def pures that i do my pking on. I love slayer and doing PvM and bosses for profit.

I chose my name voidroy because this account was a low level voider in like 2013. I didnt stay a voider for long though, and moved on to trying to max out.

Joining for PvP events: No

My past clans/teams and any current teams:

About me: I am a student of 20 living in New Mexico. Im trying to become a graphic designer due to my inspiration from video game design and modeling. Im playing runescape on the side as I am focused on my studies, but that wont stop me from playing 6 hrs days =p. I dislike trolls and I haven't had a good experience with people in this game. So if this inst a friendly environment I wont stay.

I heard about WG through: The fourms and word of mouth through reddit and chatter.
I want to join because: I want to have people to play with that are not cunts and respect each other. I want to be apart of a community that is  supportive helpful and loves the game. I also hope to try doing pvping once my stats are good enough and my bank can support it. ( I really need tips for pvping, I have like a .5 Kd in BH on my pures.

Anything that may impact your future activity? Im a student so I might not be able to attend due to classes, school is my first priority.