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Messages - Wizard

She gives me the willies :|
House of Random / iz u slo?
October 18, 2014, 07:15:34 PM
House of Random / Re: How To Sharpen Pencils
October 18, 2014, 04:31:23 PM
Oh and I think you have to come into the IRC and talk to an op to continue :)
OT: That's retarded.
Nice application, Goodluck & Welcome :)
House of Random / Re: Laziness
October 14, 2014, 07:21:42 AM
Quote from: Al on October 14, 2014, 05:54:52 AM
Wait what's a Chinese soup bowl? I'm Chinese and I've never thought a bowl was designed for or widely used by Chinese.

Yeah of course there is, duh.
Heya, welcome :D
House of Random / Re: Breaking News
October 14, 2014, 07:18:09 AM
I feel something long coming on.
Since this happened they've cleaned up there yard a little and taken down half the cages and fences, but they still have some dogs, maybe cats, over there... and the horses..living in the mudd and a little piece of barn :|

I guess the woman and man that live there also have their adult son living in the basement as I heard him and his 'girlfriend' that he somehow has, fucking on the other side of the little patch of woods one night while I was walking my dogs. I couldn't help but yell out, "way to get out of the basement for a change!" I was bored :|
So I live next door to these people, and my pittweiler tore through his harness one day and escaped across the yard, through the woods, to my neighbors house, to bark at other dogs and cats and chase horses around in circles, I had the fun of chasing him down and bringing him back home, but while I was in my neighbors yard I saw what I usually hear barking all the time, a ton of dogs, and a ton of cats, all in shit health and like the story says, no shelter for shit, living in the weeds, fenced up. Yeah I called them in :|


CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – Before two trucks even arrived with 10 hairless cats and 10 small dogs taken from a Clarksville breeder Friday afternoon, dozens of people were already waiting in line at the Montgomery County Animal Control shelter Friday, hoping to adopt one of the animals.

Word had spread quickly after a message was posted on the shelter's Facebook page, saying that dozens of hairless Sphynx cats and Chinese Crested dogs were being taken in a "hoarding case."

The plea for help came after Animal Control officers received a complaint and went to a Hampton Station Road home Friday and found 26 dogs and 38 living outside, in poor conditions, many with limited access to shelter, said Officer Rodney Journey.

Pamela Flinger was cited for animal cruelty and agreed to give the animals up. She told The Leaf-Chronicle that she was not cruel to the animals but that things simply got out of hand and she was glad the animals were being adopted.

"I ended up with too many, I will admit that," she said. "I really wanted to get out of (having) them. You know how you box yourself into a corner and don't know what to do? I hope I don't sound like a horrible person because I didn't mean to be."

A hairless Sphynx can cost $1,000 to $1,500. This one was adopted for $87, which covers sterilization surgery and a rabies vaccine. (Photo: THE LEAF-CHRONICLE/STEPHANIE INGERSOLL )
10 cats, 10 dogs

Journey said he took 10 dogs and 10 cats Friday and would have taken more but he doubted there would be room at the shelter. As it turns out, men, women and children flooded the shelter, most in hopes of adopting the rare hairless Sphynx cats.

"They look like E.T. with their little wrinkled up faces," said one woman as the hairless cats meowed loudly inside cages at the shelter.

"But they're really good for people with allergies," said another.

Alexis Downs pets a Chinese Crested dog that Kenneth Bozeman adopted from the Montgomery County Animal Control shelter on Friday. He plans to name the dog Sheba. (Photo: THE LEAF-CHRONICLE/STEPHANIE INGERSOLL )
People were allowed into the room two at a time in the order they'd arrived at the shelter.

Alison Dornan and her husband had were eighth in line and adopted a male Sphynx that they hope will get along with their two dogs.

"We wanted a cat but he's a little bit allergic," she said, nodding toward her husband. "I would feel bad buying from a breeder when when there's any that can be adopted."

The shelter stayed open two hours past its usual 3 p.m. closing time to process adoptions. All of the cats and many of the dogs were adopted by day's end but were being kept overnight so they could be examined.

Kenneth Bozeman adopted a Chinese Crested he plans to name Sheba. Compared to most dogs, Chinese Crested have very little hair.

Some of those who went to the shelter hoping to foster one of the animals will have to wait.

Journey said he hopes to convince Flinger to give up more animals soon.

This hairless Sphynx got a lot of attention and was the first of 10 adopted Friday. (Photo: THE LEAF-CHRONICLE/STEPHANIE INGERSOLL )
'I wanted them to find homes'

Flinger said she willingly surrendered the 20 animals Friday and is ready to give up the rest.

She said she no longer breeds animals and had wanted to find homes for them but didn't know how.

Journey said he found the dogs and cats living in outdoor kennels with limited access to shelter. Some of the cats had access to a shed through a window that was left open. Most of the dogs lived outdoors with very little shelter. There was no grass, except for weeds and the animals were infested with fleas, he said.

Additional charges are pending, he said.

Flinger said the animals always had food, water and access to shelter.

"I don't think it was animal cruelty," she said. "Maybe I wasn't on top of it as I should have been."

She said she had not bred her animals in a couple of years and that an illness with the cats kept her from breeding them and selling their offspring. Sphynx cats can cost $1,000 to $1,500 each, she said.

She said she is willing to give up the rest of the animals to animal control or to rescue groups.

"I surrendered these dogs and cats willingly," she said. "I wanted to find them homes. I am glad that they are going into homes. I have wanted to phase out the animals for a long time but didn't know where to start. It just escalated out of control before I realized it."

Animal Control Director Tim Clifton said he was happy to see so many people turn out to help foster or adopt the 20 cats and dogs taken Friday.

"I wish they'd take a look at some of the other animals we have here," he said.
House of Random / Re: Laziness
October 13, 2014, 01:55:12 AM
Your all special edition.
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Elitism in Runescape
October 13, 2014, 01:41:17 AM
mIRC :)
Hello & Welcome :)
Blogs / Re: [Ongoing] Race to Max
October 11, 2014, 01:53:35 AM
Good Luck :)
Blogs / Re: Hathor's road to Max cmb.
October 11, 2014, 01:52:56 AM
Good luck :)
RuneScape Discussion / Re: I confess everything.
October 10, 2014, 10:44:51 PM
Wow such big surprises nStuff LOL?!

:| HI VIO! :) <3
Sounds like lure. :) Hi.
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Lobby Update
July 28, 2014, 11:44:00 PM
Wut lol
Quote from: Al on May 02, 2014, 08:36:21 AM
Quote from: MoBBy on May 02, 2014, 08:34:57 AM
What's wrong with my ava Al? Are you racist...?

No, the question should be are you?  -.-


OT: Hi.
I liek pie.