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Messages - Green

Guest Lounge / Hello WG
January 05, 2012, 10:08:15 PM
Most of you know me from IRC as General_Pointless. And for those of you who have read my introduction, I'm interested in joining DG. Most of my mates refer to me as Greenday, or Green.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me in IRC or on-forums. I look forward to partaking in events with the lot of you in the future.  (H)
Join the Clan / Greenday4248's Introduction
January 05, 2012, 09:37:49 PM
1. What is your current Runescape username, and what are your past usernames if any?

Currently, my Runescape name is Sir P Nth. I will be changing it back to my original name, Greenday4248, within the week.

2. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history (e.g. when you started, what your RSN means, favourite activities etc.):

I do believe I started playing RS around 2003. I've gone through around 3-4 accounts since then, and have been playing on this account since May 2009. My rsn, Greenday4248, was in relation to the band "Green Day". Back when I created the account, the band was still popular. Not so much now :P. I can't say I play RS as much as I used to, but nobody really does these days. I still get on actively to train combat, and I mainly enjoy clan wars, pvp, and solo/group-pking. Right now, I reside in the Community Clan Titans Revolution, and I hold the position of Events Manager. I plan on leaving TR shortly after I finish a project I am working on.

3. Tell us about yourself (Name (if you are comfortable), gender, age, country, hobbies, music, talents, likes and dislikes):

I'll start of by saying I'm a male. I currently live in South Ontario, and my main hobbies are parkour, sports, and music. My music taste consists of almost all genders. I will willingly listen to anything with an unbiased attitude. If I had to pick a favorite Genre, it would have to be Rap. Other than that, my main like is hockey. I play at a competitive level for my home town, and greatly enjoy doing so. I also enjoy reading, free writing, history, and the study of English literature. I should also add that I'm a perfectionist, and always demand everything be of the highest quality.

4. How did you hear about us and what makes you want to join WG or DG? Also, which of these two clans are you applying for?

I can't even remember where I heard of WG. But I've been actively joining their IRC for around four months now. Recently, I came across the Junior Clan, Descendant Guardians. Seeing as my combat level is only 98, I decided to research DG. I can honestly say I'm rather impressed with the fact that in the history, DG openly stated that both WG and DG went through rough patches. Honesty is one of the things I value, so you have all earned my respect for that. Your philosophy against random pking, and No Honor pking is another thing that intrigued me.

5. If you have been in other clans before, what clans were they and what was your involvement with them?

I'm currently in Titans Revolution Community Clan. I currently hold the position of Events Manager, as previously stated.

6. Have you read, understood and agree to abide by the rules of this clan?


OT: I'm not sure if you have a multi-clanning policy, but the clan I'm currently in does. I'm working on a project, and I should be finished in approximately a month. So until then, I would appreciate it if your staff could keep from adding me to any ML/RH or conducting any interview till I leave. Also, you can call me green  ^.^