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Messages - Armybuilder

Gaming / Re: TSM Bjergsen
December 06, 2013, 12:52:16 AM
Quote from: Kung_Man149 on December 04, 2013, 08:38:43 PM
Quote from: Panda|Vulcan on December 04, 2013, 04:08:07 PM
Bjergson is decent, better than Regi.

In the NA scene, C9 are still probably the best and world scene TSM are a mile behind everyone else imo.
Personally, I think Reginald is an amazing player. His play style is just a bit too crazy to be beneficial to TSM.
And I know that TSM aren't the best team, but if they were miles behind everyone else, I don't think they'd have gotten as far as they did in worlds as opposed to C9 who got knocked out in their first match set.
Sod off TSM fan boy.
welcome +)
Gaming / Re: League of Legends patch 3.14
November 22, 2013, 12:40:44 PM
dual Targon's OP nothing more to be said.
House of Random / Re: Change 1-Letter Game #6
November 21, 2013, 01:44:46 PM
Guest Lounge / Re: Around for the Holidays...
November 20, 2013, 02:43:11 PM
House of Random / Re: Change 1-Letter Game #6
November 19, 2013, 06:12:33 PM
Guides / mIRC GUIDE
November 17, 2013, 11:48:10 PM
Welcome to this guide on setting up mIRC.
mIRC is by far the best program for IRC around for your PC however the inital setting up although simple can look quite confusing. So i've created this to help you through the inital setup to get on to #WG so you can on connect talk to your clan mates.

Getting mIRC loaded to your computer:

  • First thing you need to do it go to Mirc: http://www.mirc.co.uk/
  • Click Download mIRC on the left hand side of the screen
  • Pick Closest location to you (Make sure its the latest version.)
  • Follow all the instructions(just like downloading any regular program.)

Getting Started on your settings:

  • When you start up mIRC you will see a box asking you to register, just close it.
  • After you click Continue, up at the top left hand corner of the screen, you will see something like a folder with a hammer next to it, click it.
  • This is your options menu, first thing you should come across is a window with some blank spots that you need to fill in.

    • Nickname – Runescape Nickname
    • Alternative – Runescape Nickname|away
    • ignore the others if you can. If not fill in.
  • Then click Options on this and tick Use Invisible Mode.

  • Click on Servers

    • Then you will have to scroll down the folders until you find SwiftIRC
    • Click it and then and press select.
    • This should bring you back to the inital screen. You started on. This time press Connect.
  • A screen should pop up with a white back ground and text on it.

    • When the text has stop coming down type /ns register password password email email, With your Password and Email being you personal password for your account and an email address that you use for example /ns register BobfixesAxes BobfixesAxes [email protected] [email protected]
    • Press Enter and it should send a message to the server and create your account.
  • Next you need to identify with this account

    • /Ns id Password (the one that you have just created)
Congratz you are a member of the server.

Setting up your Perform
This section outlines perform, which makes connecting easier.

  • With the options menu still open, click on Options (in the drop down under Connect.)
  • When that comes up Click on the Button that says Perform
  • A new window should come up from there click add right next to the drop down menu.
  • Find SwiftIRC and select it.
  • After that click the drop down menu and select SwiftIRC
  • In that box you should type the stuff in mine, dont forget to put YOUR nick and password

/nick (Runescape Nickname)
/ns identify Password (the one you previously used)
/join #wg_lobby

     7. After that, check  the box Enable perform on connect
     8. Press okay and you are all done.

Now when you open up IRC you should be brought to #WG_lobby

1.Check of the following boxes in Options on the on the left side of the options menu(The 1 under connect ): Connect on Start up and Reconnect on disconnection.
2.Dont ever pay the IRC menu that pops up when you first load up mIRC it may take awhile for the Continue Button to became Clickable, but only a few seconds.

Any more questions ask and I will do my best to help you
Will edit this with Picture and more eventually.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Drinking...
November 04, 2013, 06:48:03 PM
Gaming / Re: XboxOne or Piece of Sh!t 4?
September 14, 2013, 11:44:57 AM
ps4 is apparently 50% more powerfull anyway
Creative Corner / Re: Doing STuff
September 05, 2013, 01:55:21 PM
Need a bit of work on the blending.
Rather than focus on the graphic create a focal point.
Some of the text doesnt always fit the pictures as well but thats something you get in time. 
Other than that i rather like them on the main part. Just make sure your backgrounds dont contrast with the image or they are hard to look at.
Gaming / Re: Favourite Pokemon?
September 05, 2013, 01:48:30 PM
Blastoise most definatly.
House of Random / Re: Guess who will post next...
July 29, 2013, 10:36:57 AM
Real Life Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Abs
July 23, 2013, 11:08:07 AM
Happy Birthday Abs +)
Meh always been a firefox user so doesnt bother me +)
Real Life Discussion / Re: College Majors
June 15, 2013, 03:23:15 AM
Brit here
Ancient History at University
Eye of Horus btw its egyptian +P
Which should straight away give away it has multiple meanings. Thats what icons are for.
Nightshade arguements are irrelevant.  As ithe video.
Anyone could show you a bunch if images that have a connection proves shit. The symbol is real no one can doubt that. But it will have a different meaning to everyone.

As for the idiot who wants proof you dont actuall need proof. You know what the symbol is. Ofc its thrown in randomly but thats because your aware of what the symbol means. If i threw in some Greek letter in to something it would have a different context to different people to me its a language. For a phycist its part of an equation etc etc.
Sure the video's a joke just as your above commentary is as well. Clearly your a small minded individual who cant see the greater context.
Fuck i hate some atheists they were never actually all anti-church they just dont believe. Please open your eyes people are allowed to believe what they like.
As for Zyruth ofc this shits not real mate. Or maybe not totally. The symbols do stand for this shit. But dont read into it. Its like Satanist believe that the upside down cross is a symbol of the devil. Its not its a cross that Peter (will get reference) died on and is the cross thats on the back of the popes chair. But to a satanist its a symbol of theres. Doesnt change a thing whats real or not.

inb4someonetakesthisthewrongway and calls me an idiot for defending the video. Not defending it defending some of the stuff said in teh video as its correct. Just the religious contexts are all wrong.
House of Random / Re: Two Word Game
June 06, 2013, 09:35:28 PM
Be gay
Gaming / Re: E3 2013
June 06, 2013, 04:37:03 PM
Quote from: Mojohaza1 on June 06, 2013, 03:32:12 AM
Quote from: Colinwarrior on June 06, 2013, 03:24:52 AM
*unless they announce Fallout 4
pls pls pls
Not gonna happen they too busy doing there new game.
House of Random / Re: Guess who will post next...
June 05, 2013, 12:41:50 AM