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Messages - MngPatience



My RuneScape Name: MngPatience
My Previous RSNs:
My Combat Level: 41 (going to farm for 2 weeks)
My Total Level: 479 (going to farm for 2 weeks)
In the DS Clan Chat already: Yes

About my RuneScape Account and History: I played since early 2008 (on an old account which was actually hacked during the time i stopped playing , and eventually banned by jagex).
I've seen darkscape as my revenge on this stupid hack thing that ruined my gaming experience on Rs
I'm not that strong for the moment but I have 2 entire weeks to train ! :D
I used to do minigames (sc , fog , ba) back then and i'll certainly do them again ;).

My past clans/teams and any current teams: I've been only in a french clan  , on french runescape community .
I've been to fr tiger that was a friend clan chat thing (the old system)  this chat became "french panthers" clan after.

About me: Hey , I'm a french guy (omelette du fromage!) named Alexandre , 17 years old in high school .
I play a lot video games and watch some animes , such as Dbsuper and FT , i also watch series (TwD , GoT , Dwho)

I heard about WG through: Rs forums