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Messages - bradder

Join the Clan / IlostMaBank's Introduction
September 17, 2011, 02:52:42 AM
1. Tell us about your RS history, and also about your account (e.g. how you came to name it how it is named, what you like to do etc) : (Your response here)Well I started playing runescape back in 2006 and I just loved the game I played all the time with my cousin. In 2007 things went on at normal leveling all that stuff. In 2008 when pking was taken away i was pretty sad, even though i 1 itemed with a dds. In 2009-2010 (When pk was back in the game for the most part) I got into actual pking, and now in 2011 I dont pk as much, but if I were to join the clan I'd be able to make to events and pk wars or whatever on preferablly wednesday, but i could work out on making others.

2. Tell us more about yourself (Your age, where you are from, gender, Hobbies, Music, What you dislike/like): (Your response here)
Im 13 years old living in USA im a guy my hobbies are playing basketball and runescape. I like Dubstep and some Metal and rap. I like to be in a clan so I can have fun .
3. How did you hear about WG and what makes you want to join the clan: (Your response here) Well what really got me thinking about it was the recruitment video and then I talked to a dude in the clan "SpidyMan" and he helped me understand more about the clan and made me want to do this application.

4. Are there any current WG members who you already know: (Your response here)
Only "SpidyMan"
5. Any additional comments: I am transfering this from old forums, because I didnt know about this new one :P.