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Messages - NoDropsMcGee

Attention all. As pointed out there was clearly an imposter. You can see the discrepancy in the name that the imposter has an extra I in place of an L.  Lollipopv was not trying to scam anyone. Let it be known that someone impersonated Lollipopv and be mindful of who you are speaking to. Lollipopv is not a scammer, someone just stole Lollipopv's identity so to speak. Clan mates should not be asking each other for loans, don't give your GP away for nothing.
Sorry issues with linking things. just copy past this URL: http://imgur.com/KsrFtAQ
Let me preface this by stating I'm not a long term veteran of WG, but I think this should be out there.
This evening of 5/25/2016 around 7:30 A.M. game time I got some fishy PMs from the high ranked clan member Lollipopv (rank coordinator) I was asked to loan money to this player for a supposed high rate of return flip. Never have I discussed flipping with this character so I just played along and asked questions. I noticed that despite being online on my friends list this member didn't appear in clan chat. When confronted Lollipopv went offline. Evidence: http://imgur.com/KsrFtAQ] [url]http://imgur.com/KsrFtAQ[/url]

If I have made some sort of egregious mistake and this name does not align please point this out. 
I do not know whether or not this might mean the account has been compromised, so if anyone knows this player be some other means of contact they should do so right away.  I'm going to make a near identical post on the RS3