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Messages - Spicy63

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
July 09, 2011, 01:23:40 PM
Heading to Blizzcon again this year, just reserved my hotel. Mainly going for SC2 instead of WoW this year, though. Anyone else going?
Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
June 22, 2011, 11:58:13 PM
Keybinds for my Mage by looking at an old screenshot and memory.

1 - Cone of Cold
2 - Fireblast
3 - Ice Lance
4 - Frostbolt
5 - Pet Nova
6 - Deep Freeze
F - Frost Nova
G - Counterspell
R - Frostfire Bolt
E - Ice Block
T - Ice Barrier
F2 - Blizzard
X - Mage Ward
` - Blink
a1 - Pet Attack
a2 - Ring of Frost
a3 - Time Warp
a4 - Arcane Explosion
s1 - Focus Sheep
s2 - Sheep Arena1
s3 - Sheep Arena2
s4 - Sheep Arena3

There's a good 20 or so more binds, but a lot of them are macros for focus binds with alt/ctrl/shift combinations.

Guest Lounge / Re: Transferrals from Old Forums
June 21, 2011, 01:54:38 PM
I have read the rules and wish to be transferred to the new forums.