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[color=green][Accepted][/color] [DS] WG Malbosia

Started by WG Malbosia, January 30, 2016, 07:51:24 PM

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WG Malbosia


My RuneScape Name: WG Malbosia
My Previous RSNs: Malbosia
My Combat Level: 78
My Total Level: 1124
In the DS Clan Chat already: Yes

About my RuneScape Account and History: Just started Darkscape about 1 month ago.  I am a runescape veteran of 15 years.  I don't play my EOC account much anymore because I am too addicted to Darkscape =)

My past clans/teams and any current teams:

About me: 31 y/o m, United States, I enjoy Horse back riding, kayaking, playing basketball, and deek sea fishing.  I mostly listen to classic rock, hip hop, and rap music.  What I love most about Runescape in general is it's uniqueness compared to other MMORPG's, it's minimal computer requirements, and it's longevity.  I hope to see my children play this game someday.

I heard about WG through: I've seen a lot of WG members during wilderness warbands.


Congratulations, you have been accepted into our community!

You now have our DarkScape forum rank and have been given an extra rank in our CC, you can read how to progress in CC ranks here.
Please check our announcements and events boards frequently. You'll also find unread posts helpful, once it clears of old posts.

While on DS you should be in our Clan Chat and optionally our FC: "WG_CC".
During your time here keep in mind that we are an Honour Clan, this means we play fairly and respect all players, even opponents.
If you have any questions contact any staff member.

Welcome aboard!
New WG Forums


[spoiler=Awards and Older Sigs]


WG Malbosia


Q: Kimi, do you have any hobbies?
KR: I collect walnuts.