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Started by Wayshow, December 26, 2011, 02:10:37 AM

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What do you like on your pizza, and what kind of pizza (crust-wise) do you like?
I like Margherita, which is basically basil, cheese, and tomato sauce :3
I like thin crust pizza :3
Thick crust pizzas are.... Too thick, lol ##


I like chicken on my pizza. Chicken and Sweetcorn.
Maybe a few mushrooms.
Dominos is delicious because it comes with that AMAZING garlic and herb dipping sauce, NOM NOM NOM.



Deep pan (thick!) Hawaiian Pizza (Ham and Pineapple) is my favourite. :woeh:
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I mostly eat Vezuvio (Not sure how to spell it) which is only cheese, ham and tomato. It's the simpliest pizza there is.
I also eat Kebab pizza which is basicly a vezuvio with kebab on :)



I set the standard.


Margarita, just to be exciting.

Garlic & herb / Cheese & chive or tomato ketchup as a dip - always.


I gave up on specific toppings. I just have EVERYTHING there is available (but no seafood).

Thick crust, deep pan. Epic for dipping into garlic & herb sauce.


Y'all dip your pizzas in sauces? :O


I LOVE pizza with olives.   NOM NOM NOM

I like papa Johns but the sauce(grease) that comes with it makes me sick :X.

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Quote from: Wayshow on December 27, 2011, 01:42:47 AM
Y'all dip your pizzas in sauces? :O
seems like a lot of people do. but i don't  <3
New WG Forums


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margherita is awesome, white pizza is awesome, chicken pizza is awesome, cheese pizza is awesome, and i'll eat all the other non seafood ones too


Quote from: Wayshow on December 27, 2011, 01:42:47 AM
Y'all dip your pizzas in sauces? :O

Yup, or at least just the crust  ^.^


Chicken BBQ from Papa John's is amazing.

Stuffed Crust from Pizza hut is amazing.

I don'y eat pizza often enough to really have a favorite topping.


Salmon on pizza is superduperyummy good!
My reaction when I look in the refrigerator but can't find anything I want to eat


I don't believe in chain pizza restaurants. They're good but local places are ALWAYS better.
A local place near me puts the sauce on top of the cheese. Sounds weird but I promise you it's delicious.

I am the one who bends!
WG for 7+ years


BBQ Chicken from Pizza Hut is sex on bread, BUT there's a local shop near me that does BBQ Chicken even better, I only seem to get one from there after going drinking though.


Panda|Vulcan and Armybuilder, His Lordship and Vio and Patty and Owen - Biggest Bromances - Winter Fun Awards 2013
Owen and Dat Zemus - Most likely to be playing Runescape in 5 years - Winter Fun Awards 2013[/spoi

g1ng3r pwns

The best pizza is cheese topped with italian sausage. Stuffed cheese crust, deep dish style. For fast-food pizza Dominoes is my favorite


bbq chicken and that pineapple one..



Quattro formaggi all the way man.


Quote from: Kat on January 10, 2012, 08:19:07 AM
bbq chicken and that pineapple one..

That pineapple one as in that PineappleTom?


Quote from: Rodney75 on January 10, 2012, 01:14:18 PM
Quote from: Kat on January 10, 2012, 08:19:07 AM
bbq chicken and that pineapple one..

That pineapple one as in that PineappleTom?




Thick crust buffalo chicken with ranch... fuckin mouth sex..
Opening up a new can of whoop ass, every hour on the hour.


I've always been a fan of Chicago deep dish style pizza. New York is good too but its kinda meh when compared to the godly powers of the Chicago deep dish. Also pepperoni ftw and pineapples, om nom nom nom.

Cyan Elf

Whatever they have out at the time, but if I choose it depends if there is a topping limit cause I would get every topping I could.  :D