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[color=green][Accepted][/color] Daron's Application

Started by Daron, March 12, 2012, 05:06:46 PM

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1. What is your current Runescape username, and what are your past usernames if any?
My current Runescape Username is xH3RO. Past ones, In order from first to latest, are battledog16, Alphahunter16, PoG Alpha, PoG Daron, and now, xH3RO

2. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history (e.g. when you started, what your RSN means, favourite activities etc.):
I started playing Runescape back in 2006. Throughtout all of the years, I have been playing on multiple accounts. Most of them either got hacked, or I forgot the password too and didn't set recovery questions*lolsorry*. Anyway, I have been using this account for the past, I would say...2 years? and have had great progress and fun with it. I not sure what RSN means, but if It is Runescape Name, then I decided on xH3RO because I really like the TV series HEROES, and Hero  is my favorite character :P. I mostly like to skill, and train my slayer. However, I haven't been doing slayer lately because I got a Kalphite Queen task, and haven't been able to kill it yet(tried 5 times). I'm a really cool guy, and I hope to make some friends :D

3. Tell us about yourself (Name (if you are comfortable), gender, age, country, hobbies, music, talents, likes and dislikes):
My name is Daron. I'm male, 15, and from the USA. I love to play video games, and basketball, I'm into all types of music, as long as it sounds catch. I am addicted to Mountain Dew, and I hate Dr Pepper >:(

4. How did you hear about us and what makes you want to join WG or DG? Also, which of these two clans are you applying for?
To be honest, I was watching some Nightmarerh youtube videos, and on the recommended video list, I saw the "Can I have 10k?" video. I lol'd pretty hard at it, and found it to be completely true. Then, I saw the Turning tides battle video, and then the Clan recruitment video :P I'm applying for DG.

5. If you have been in other clans before, what clans were they and what was your involvement with them?
I was only in one clan before this applying to this one. The Paladins of Guthix. Stayed there for 2 years, but it has died recently with the step down of our Leader, and nobody plays the game anymore. I learned quite a bit form them, and my literary skills have been greatly enhanced while being with them.

6. Have you read, understood and agree to abide by the rules of this clan?
I have.


New WG Forums


[spoiler=Awards and Older Sigs]



I'm in IRC and am ready to conduct my Interview :D


I set the standard.


Quote from: Daron on March 12, 2012, 05:15:13 PM
I'm in IRC and am ready to conduct my Interview :D
I'll be along in about an hour if nobody else has done it by then ;)
New WG Forums


[spoiler=Awards and Older Sigs]



Here since 2010 - Retired in 2013

Goodwill is no easy symbol of good wishes. It is an immeasurable and tremendous energy, the atomic energy of the spirit.

Disclaimer: Most things I say are either sarcastic or dark humour, don't take what I say seriously.


I am the one who bends!
WG for 7+ years

dnt say k 0


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[spoiler=Awards and Older Sigs]



I like mountain dew too, but why not dr pepper? :P
Welcome Daron :D

52 Pray

Hi Daron!
If you need anything pm me in game,
or on irc. :)
"RIP Honour" in rs and "Skulleds" on IRC. :D
- The OG t-girl peekayer


Welcome man! You seem like an interesting charecter (; Hope you have fun and gl on DG! :D