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Posts posted by ketamin3z

  1. 9 hours ago, TheSleptKing said:

    Welcome bud also from the UK and have been to more free parties/raves than i can remember haha hope you enjoy it here


    already liking it here haha! cheers everyone lookin forward to it

  2. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process.



    What is your current RS name? ketamin3z

    List any previous RS namesgf gn

    What is your total level and combat level?

    1883 123 respectively 


    Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.

    been playing since i was 8, 23 now, sometimes have breaks from runescape if stuff in irl is getting hectic but apart from that i try and jump on every day :) rather not elaborate on my name lool, slayer or magic have to be one of my favourite skills and pking or bossing for activities!


    Tell us about your clan history.

    in a pvm clan at the moment was in a couple pk clans back when i was younger but cant remember the names if i am honest.


    Tell us about your yourself.

    my names kane, 23, from the uk, uni student studying chemistry so got lots of time to kill haha, is rs a hobby? if so rs. i love all kinds of music but i love a good dirty drum and bass rave or a weird techno rave ;) seen some crazy stuff at raves lmao.


    How did you hear about us?  fourm

    What makes you want to join us? pking, pking, pking! not getting enough pking in at all as it currently stands and that is what i enjoy most about the game so i need it in my life hahah.


    Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clanYes


    Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: just applied to some clan called revs exiles last night because they were the only pk clan on the first/2nd page but found you guys today and you seem like a proper pk clan, i dont think this is something that would deter you but thought i should mention it to avoid any confusion. :) have a good day whoever is reading this app.

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