I would recommend doing the Bone Voyage quest and grinding combat at the ammonite crabs on Fossil Island, it's probably the most AFK friendly combat training until base 70 combat stats, which is when you should start either slayer or NMZ. PC is an alright way to train I suppose, and you need to do it eventually for void armor but that's not going to be useful for you until way later in your RS journey.
I would not recommend rushing defence to a higher level than strength just to get 20k experience from a quest, at the end of the day 20k is a drop in the bucket compared to the exp you will be getting. Strength should ideally be considerably higher than attack and defence, although at the lower levels you may want to keep them consistent to be able to wield the higher tier weapons and armor.
The Wilderness Guardians Guide to 100 Combat (from Level 3)
This guide was originally written by His Lordship and Zemus.
All OSRS players will find it useful, but it was especially made for those aiming to reach 100 combat requirements in order to participate in PvP and PvM. This guide is for P2P players only. If you are F2P, follow this guide.
Why should you use THIS guide?
We believe this is the most efficient training guide for OSRS... and we've looked at plenty of others. It's been referenced against all the major combat training guides out there, and refined over many years.
More importantly, we're a clan, so we have applicants constantly testing it out and sharing their experiences with us; Other guides usually rely on the experiences of one or a few individuals.
Finally, it's easy to follow. Unlike videos, you can come back time and again and find your place easily. It's clearly written, and there's no waffle.
Levels 3-28
The first few levels should be done entirely through quests, as the exp/hour you get from actual melee combat is horrible at this level. All of the following quests can be done at level 3 (though death is a possibility if you aren't careful with your surroundings)
Stronghold of Security +10,000 gp and and Fighting Boots - Just walk naked through the first four levels of the Stronghold of Security with a little bit of food (an inventory of cabbages from the monastery will be sufficient). [- USE THE COINS to buy a STAFF OF AIR from Zaff (1.5k, cheaper than GE) and 1000 MIND RUNES from Aubury (3k), both in Varrock. -]
Do the following quests in any order (the order below is suggested);
Waterfall Quest +13,750 Attack and Strength exp. - You will have to run past a level 84 moss giant and 86 fire giants. For the moss giant part there are level 22 skeletons closeby, make sure to aggro those before running past the giant so you don't get 1 hit. There are usually people killing the fire giants in the waterfall so just run right past.
The Restless Ghost +1,125 Prayer exp A quick and easy 8 prayer levels, getting you to level 9 in no time.
Priest in Peril +1,406 Prayer exp You will need to kill two level-30 monsters, which at your level will be quite easy. This will take you to 15 Prayer. Low as this is, it will give small bonuses to your attack, strength and defense that will help you kill some of the monsters in the quests below.
Fight Arena +12,175 Attack exp - You will have to kill a few quest bosses here but all of them are easily safe-spotted behind a corpse on the ground. Just bring enough magic spell casts (400-500 wind strikes recommended if level 1 magic).
Tree Gnome Village +11,450 Attack exp You will have to run past a few aggressive level 20's, but nothing that can 1 shot you, just make sure you have food. For the end boss on this quest if you don't have protect from melee, you can either: a) Get someone to stand inbetween the boss and yourself, allowing you to safely cast away at him, or
b) Stand at max range, run and cast.
The Grand Tree +18,400 Attack exp and +2,150 Magic exp You have to run past level 44 spiders at one point in the quest, just make sure you have a few pieces of decent food to get past. Safespot the demon at the end of the quest with magic.
[- AT THIS POINT, BUY A RUNE SCIMITAR -] 16.5k at GE (on 11-Sep-16)
Vampire Slayer +4,825 Attack exp - You will have to kill a Level 34 boss who can't be safe-spotted. By now your attack and strength will be high enough to defeat him easily (even with 1 defense), but have food at the ready.
From the rewards alone, your combat will be 28, likely higher from exp that you have accumulated from fighting. Levels gained from quests: 44 Attack, 30 Strength, 15 Prayer and (at least) 14 Magic.
Levels 28-55
This order is suggested:
Witches House +6325 HP Fairly straightforward quest, the first two low-level bosses can't be safe-spotted, but the higher two can. You should be fine to just melee them down. (Brings you to Level 32+)
Holy Grail +15,300 Def, +11,000 Prayer exp If you don't already have melee protect for the black knight titan you can safespot it (use range as it is very resistant to mage), as long as the finishing blow is with excalibur. (Brings you to Level 41+)
Monkey Madness +Total of 110K att/str/def/hp exp Slightly difficult doing this without prayer but still definately doable. If you're doing this without prayer the only high-risk points are in the altar with the monkey guards, and the demon at the end. For the demon, just run to the bridge to safespot him and let the gnomes get him to 1hp. Run out and kill him quickly. It is recommended you choose Strength and Hitpoints as your 35k reward option as you will get plenty more defense exp after completing Dragon Slayer (below), but it doesn't really matter. (Brings you to Level 52+)
Dragon Slayer +18,650 Strength and Defence expThis quest should be very easy with all the levels you've attained from the previous quests. More quick exp here as well as rune plate. Yay! (Brings you to Level 54+)
Haunted Mine +22,000 Strength exp Good quest for some quick strength exp, plus the salve amulet is good for training on undead later. The boss fight is difficult at this level; do some homework and read the quest guide (follow the link), but the reward is worth the effort. (Brings you to Level 55+)
Experience (with levels) from quest rewards alone. You will be higher than this by the amount of incidental fighting you do along the way.
Levels 55+
Now that you've completed all the efficient exp quests you should go kill things! Your highest priority is to train with accurate style in order to get 60 attack ASAP, so that you can wield a dragon scimitar to improve your exp rates.
At this level Flesh Crawlers are good to train on as they are aggressive, as well as yield some decent loot. Unids are very common as well as a bunch of fire runes, iron ore and natures. You can effectively train here up until around level 80. Wear full rune armour, and wield a dragon scimitar (or rune if you're below 60 attack), and have an inventory of food on you (cakes stolen from Ardougne are cheap, easy and heal well).
Alternatively, Rock Crabs on Waterbirth Island are great exp as well (comparable with Flesh Crawlers but with less loot). Bring 1k in your inventory to travel to the island, and have the armour and weapons listed above. Another option is to kill Sand Crabs in Zeah. It's a no-cannon zone, they drop edible seaweed for health and there's a bank in the middle of the beach. Get there via skills necklace to woodcutting guild. The downside is that it can attract bots.
Experiments are also decent exp at this level (and are better exp than Flesh Crawlers), however they are non-aggressive and drop no loot. These are good to train on until around level 90.
Once you have 65 Defence and 45 Magic, complete the quests required for King's Ransom, then complete the quest itself for +33,000 defense exp. When this is done, you can get an extra 20,000exp in every melee stat by doing the Knight Waves Training Grounds. This is slightly faster than the exp rates from training at monsters, but not as crucial as the quests above at a low level. This quest can be skipped.
Levels 85+
There are several methods for training at the higher level, but there are two methods we recommend, both outlined by 99Bee in his video.
Warriors' Guild, 60-80,000 exp per hour. Your attack and strength levels need to have a combined value of over 130 in order to access the guild. There are two stores conveniently located at the guild that will sell you food and potions for training. Strength and attack potions will significantly improve your exp rates.
STEP ONE - Get 100 Warrior tokens by killing animated mithril armour four times. You will need to bring a set of mithril armour for this. You need 100 tokens to enter the cyclops room.
STEP TWO - Go up to the top floor where the cyclops are. Enter and try to kill a cyclops before 60 seconds, then leave the room. If you are in the room longer than 60 seconds, you will be charged 10 tokens, and will need to replenish them (which wastes time). Once you leave, spam click the door (ignoring the text) and re-enter. If you can't kill a cyclops in 60 seconds, leave and finish the kill on re-entry. This training method will also allow you to get a rune defender, which is very useful! When you are out of food and potions, simply go to the ground floor to restock!
Elder Chaos Druids (Level 11-13 wilderness), Up to 70-120k exp per hour. You will need the protect from magic prayer to train with this method. Wear monk robes, or better yet initiate or proselyte armour if you have completed the relevant quests. You can also profit 200-400k per hour by collecting drops through this method. Most importantly, it is a good way for aspiring clan members as it gives you exposure to the wilderness and helps you overcome your initial fears well before you join. Bring your dragon scimitar (which you will protect if killed). Super strength and attack potions are important as they improve your exp rate - bring 3 of each. Have 5-6 sharks in case you're teleblocked by a PKer and need to run. Buy a bunch of Varrock teletabs and bring one every trip. Because it's the wilderness, this training spot is far less busy than most others.
Protect from magic, as the chaos druids have spells. Also, it may stop a teleblock. Keep this prayer on constantly, as there is an altar right there to recharge your prayer. Kill as many as you can until you either run out of food or loot space, then break your Varrock teletab and bank... Then repeat. If you get a looting bag, use it!
USEFUL TIP - If you see a low level account come over, then either run away or log out, switch worlds. They could be scouting for PKers.
The Nightmare Zone is another possibility for training you may have come across, but we recommend you use this method only after reaching 100 combat, and after you have accumulated some wealth.
Once you've reached level 100, you're ready to join most of our PvP and PvM events!
Other Levels You'll Want to Train to Prepare for PVP
There are a few other levels and quests you will want to get: We have linked you to some very reliable public guides.
43+ Prayer - Protect from melee is vital when joining a PVP clan. 60+ Prayer is recommended but not necessary. Click here for a good guide to training prayer. Spirits of the Elid is a good quest for prayer experience. Ignore the other quests with prayer rewards - you will get faster exp from bones.
60+ Ranged - This allows you to wear red dragonhide body armour - essential in the wilderness. 70+ ranged for black d'hide is recommended. You also need to be competent with a second style of combat apart from melee to PK effectively - this is called hybridding. Click here for a good guide to training ranged. Temple of Ikov is a good quest for Ranged exp if you have 42 thieving or are close. If not, stick to the guide.
51+ Magic - This is the level that will get you the basic teleport spells up to Ardougne. As a P2P clan, the Ardougne teleport is important for access to the wilderness lever. Click here for a good guide to training magic. The Watchtower Quest will get you an easy 15,250 Magic exp, but has a few low-level non-combat requirements.
Quests: The Fremennik Isles - The Helm of Neitiznot is a very useful item for PKing. Animal Magnetism - If your second style of combat (apart from melee) is ranged, Ava's Accumulator is great in PVP. Desert Treasure - Ancient Magicks are also incredibly helpful and the clan can always use more mages. Recipe for Disaster - Rune gloves are cheap and offer better stats than many higher-priced gloves; great for PVP. Barrows gloves are the best gloves for all non-PVP combat.
This guide was copied from our previous forums. This guide was originally posted by Zemus in March 2013, and updated by His Lordship in September 2016.
Original guide from March 2013 here.
Additional advice provided by Suffud and Tayzon Day.