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Everything posted by Zajax

  1. Welcome to wilderness Guardians brother!
  2. Welcome brother, hope you found the clan you were looking for
  3. Zajax

    [Accepted] DMTed

    Welcome to the clan brother!
  4. Zajax

    [Accepted] Zajax

    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Zajax What is your current RS name? Zajax List any previous RS names: Pl0xasauruz What is your total level and combat level? 1844, 123 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Started in 2002, My name is a reference to a character named Ajax, I just like the name. I don't have any favorites tbh I skill for the content that I need to do. Tell us about your clan history. I was actually previously in this clan but didn't complete any of the responses I was supposed to in time due to procrastination. My friend Veebss is in the clan, and I'm looking to re-apply Tell us about your yourself. my name is Christian, im a 28 male from New York, I have a little school. I work as a stagehand/rigger. I like playing the guitar, im into all types of music. How did you hear about us? OSRS Forums What makes you want to join us? The people in this clan were very experienced and were always graciously willing to teach. I want to raid and do nex with competent players that I can learn from. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: ive botted a pure before but have gotten banned and haven't done it since.
  5. Welcome to the clan friend!
  6. Zajax

    [Accepted] Zajax

    Thank you all i appreciate it!
  7. Zajax

    [Accepted] Zajax

    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Zajax What is your current RS name? Zajax List any previous RS names: Pl0xasaurus c u r l e d What is your total level and combat level? total level is 1842 combat level is 123 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Started playing around 2001-2002, My in game name Zajax is just a reference to ajax a mythological hero in greek mythos that fought in the trojan wars, also because it just sounds cool lol. My favorite skill would have be anything besides agility and runecrafting. Tell us about your clan history. I was in a clan called ________ tigers (I forget the name). but it was eventually disbanded. Tell us about your yourself. My name is Chris, im a male from the united states, I work as a theatrical climber/stage hand. I play the guitar as my hobby and like to work on making music. I also play other video games besides OSRS. How did you hear about us? osrs Forums What makes you want to join us? Because u pvp and pve Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I've botted my pure account before and received a temporary ban for it.
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