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Wg Luk1n

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Posts posted by Wg Luk1n

  1. 53 minutes ago, ChrisSpiegl said:

    Vorkath def gets boring long run, but the hopes for the pet and the occasional 1m+ trip makes it worth it. I love being able to just do 2 or 3 trips when I first log in for the day and be able to pay for all my skilling supplies for the day. I get burnt out in skills so banking a lot of supplies never works out. But if I just buy enough for a couple hours it makes it doable! 


    I searched for "osrs clans pvm and pvp" or something along those lines, i forget exactly but similar to that search! 



    Thanks for all the warm welcomes! 

    Yeah I get u there..... 10 kills a day... keeps poverty away!!.

  2. Hey bud! Welcome! There's lots of useful info on pking in the forums.... the guys like mask, vio, sabre are great also! Always happy to help you out with setups etc.... don't let losses put you off when you first start 😁

  3. Welcome bud, I don't know how u can do Ultimate... I tried ironman and have one with 1700 total.... but stuff like prayer is the true grind for an ironman... never mind ultimate.

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