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O o g a

High Guardian
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Everything posted by O o g a

  1. Post your total col log with each update btw Btw, trouble brewing got a new afk update so that's a lot of new easy logs too
  2. More Canadians! Welcome!
  3. We back. New gear from ToA/Nex/Thralls means Oblv Diary is going to decrease from like S32 to S28:30 Seems pretty insane to think it saves 3:30 but I guess it's time to get better anyways. Step 1 was learning Shadow mage run olm https://streamable.com/0680j3 https://streamable.com/me33o4? Figured it out in solos. Step 2 now is probably learn how to use the surge / thrall set up instead of just venge camping. Results in faster 1st floor but takes longer to get runnable tektons. Also slower vasa, but thralls should make mystics/mutt/olm much faster so it is worth. Ran a raid where I didn't reset tekton (3 anvil) and had some bad things happen at ice and crabs so I can practice the rest of the floors. GG gotta shave another 8:30 minutes basically Reset parameters will likely be: 1st floor 6:30 2nd floor 6:15 (s13) 3rd floor 7:15 (into olm by 20 mins) 8:30 olm
  4. Get him in before bingo starts
  5. Hawlyyyyy Been over 1 year since I started the journey / blog. Records have changed due to thralls/nex/ new content but I'm pretty sure I've hit all these end game goals. Haven't really done regular solo's since I started doing solo CM and cause scouting is just an awful game mechanic. _______________________ Dunno what's next. Probably finish GM Combat Achievements now. I was putting that off for HM Tob Dust / S32 Solo CM and I got them now. Looks like I dont have s24 trio yet but its a rough scale to find people to do cause it involves a lot of resetting and patience with mistakes.
  6. S32 very soon. But been stuck doing HMT most of the week
  7. Haven't done solo cm's in a while but got a task so I started grinding again. Got some huge rng today so here was the loot: PB Rooms but terrible Olm Then sent another and got a pb on a awful 3rd floor Sent a 3rd one and got the S33 finally with a rope skip fail The S7 third floor is like 1/1000 to get so I won't be this lucky for a while I fear. Goal in the end is S32 and then I'll probably try to do some thrall / mage cape set up for S30 since I'm feeling really good right now. ------------------------------------------- In terms of CM 5's. I've started raiding with Sido and Toy so they've carried me to S22 so it's a bit of a boring update.
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