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O o g a

High Guardian
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Posts posted by O o g a

  1. We back. New gear from ToA/Nex/Thralls means Oblv Diary is going to decrease from like S32 to S28:30


    Seems pretty insane to think it saves 3:30 but I guess it's time to get better anyways.


    Step 1 was learning Shadow mage run olm





    Figured it out in solos.


    Step 2 now is probably learn how to use the surge / thrall set up instead of just venge camping.

    Results in faster 1st floor but takes longer to get runnable tektons.

    Also slower vasa, but thralls should make mystics/mutt/olm much faster so it is worth.




    Ran a raid where I didn't reset tekton (3 anvil) and had some bad things happen at ice and crabs so I can practice the rest of the floors.


    GG gotta shave another 8:30 minutes basically

    Reset parameters will likely be:

    1st floor 6:30

    2nd floor 6:15 (s13)

    3rd floor 7:15 (into olm by 20 mins)

    8:30 olm




  2. EqpoVdn.png





    So the endgame 'goals' are:


    Sub 17min Solo regular (WR is 14:45)

    Sub 24min Trio CM (WR is 22:45)

    Sub 23min 5 man CM (WR is 21:26)


    Oh probably a sub 40min Solo CM?(WR is 31:23) But this is gonna be fucking hell on earth to get



    Been over 1 year since I started the journey / blog.


    Records have changed due to thralls/nex/ new content but I'm pretty sure I've hit all these end game goals.




    Haven't really done regular solo's since I started doing solo CM and cause scouting is just an awful game mechanic.





    Dunno what's next. Probably finish GM Combat Achievements now. I was putting that off for HM Tob Dust / S32 Solo CM and I got them now.




    Looks like I dont have s24 trio yet but its a rough scale to find people to do cause it involves a lot of resetting and patience with mistakes.

  3. Haven't done solo cm's in a while but got a task so I started grinding again.


    Got some huge rng today so here was the loot:



    PB Rooms but terrible Olm


    Then sent another and got a pb on a awful 3rd floor




    Sent a 3rd one and got the S33 finally with a rope skip fail





    The S7 third floor is like 1/1000 to get so I won't be this lucky for a while I fear.


    Goal in the end is S32 and then I'll probably try to do some thrall / mage cape set up for S30 since I'm feeling really good right now.




    In terms of CM 5's. I've started raiding with Sido and Toy so they've carried me to S22 so it's a bit of a boring update.


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