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WG Fargorn

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Posts posted by WG Fargorn

  1. Welcome brother! D1 football, is that university ball? or is it considered to be semi pro? Maybe they are the same thing? Football inst religion up here in the north. 


    Don't forget you need 3 events and 3 members to support your graduation! 

  2. Welcome fellow Canadian :) I am from northern Ontario, and we consider ourselves northerners. But north Yukon? That's Wildling territory. Sounds like you would be a great fit with our family. Really good app. You are very articulate yo. 


  3. After many many years of clean living, I have once again become addicted to Runescape. Pking has always been my love. In fact, I would prefer to never leave the wildly. The following post is intended to communicate my goals for the months to come. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the clan for being so friendly and welcoming. Our app managers are insanely competent, and members like Batfire, Da man, Bong and Shroom made me really want to become a member of WG (sorry if i didn't mention you, i still love you). 


    Generalized objectives: 

    1) Quests. Everything in p2p is questlocked. Makes me want to stroke. I hate questing. If i  complete a quest I shall celebrate. 

    2) A base of 50 in all stats. 

    3) Achieve desired stats to once again own f2p wildy. In so doing I would also become less of a liability to our p2p pking squad. Having watched a lot of briding streams I have come to understand that I do not heavily enjoy p2p single pking as of right now. The constant overhead praying (pray switching being a huge component of effective briding), the constant teleporting, raging and rushing all leave a bad taste in my mouth. Historically, I enjoy going into the wildy knowing I am either down or up a set of gear. Not wasting time and lots of gps on food/pots only to tp away like little pansies. It all seems very cheap and low honor, my opinion. Therefore; 



    73/ 85 attack

    75/85 str

    71/ whatever def 

    46/whatever prayer 

    78/99 range 

    64/85 mage 

    I will do slayer while I grind these out. 


    56/85 mining --- Rune rocks are my stomping ground. 

    50 everything else, anything above that is cherries. 

    I hope to get at least 7 mill xp/month, I achieved this in month #1, so I hope maintain this at minimum. 


    UPDATE 1@3 months



  4. Who was your mate? My buddies and i literally owned that plot of land. 

    7 hours ago, venom_forged said:

    Being the mage of our friends, back in 2008 there was 3 of us, one for each combat style. I ended up meeting them again in like 2012 it was amazing! We wouldnt really know what we were doing, but we just ran around the wildy anyway! I ended up protecting my irl mate while he mined the coal and eventually the rune. He went ham mining where as i'd be defending him. 


  5. I feel like the developers and the actually players have vastly different opinions on what the wilderness and pking is about. The last tournament was essentially a bunch of people in maxed out gear, risking nothing, showing off their prayer switches...oh and if you win you get 10k. Then, they invite a clan like ROT, who are known to abuse ddosing etc. 


    I appreciate the gesture, but this wilderness wars thing sounds a lot like PVM on anabolics. 

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