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Posts posted by TheSleptKing

  1. 22 hours ago, T3SLA said:


    How did you hear about us?  I saw a bunch of you guys @ Grand exchange and wondered if you had a clan.


    It works! Nice app gl mate

  2. 12 hours ago, Mojo said:

    It hasn't passed a poll yet. Jagex are currently taking a big gamble on the design phase in the hopes that it does pass when they eventually poll it. As ever, the players will eventually decide.

    I don't know for sure but it seems they have invested way too much time into his to not be giving it to us. They really want this added from he looks of it even though there has been backlash from the community 

  3. Looks like we are definitely getting it. I dont understand why thy would put something in that (from what i see) the majority dont want when they vote everything else. Atleast they are taking away its combat applications afaik and are nerfing its armour etc. Thats better atleast.

  4. Welcome hope you enjoy this clan then, plenty of opportunities to learn here for pvp and pvm 😁 dont be afraid to talk in cc aswell, it's very active and people always willing to give info or just chat random shit

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