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Posts posted by TheSleptKing

  1. Welcome and nice app, we have had a venezuelan fella in here before if im not mistaken and no one gave him a hard time about it. Most people are mature enough to understand that not everyones a gold farmer there and not everyone is blessed to be born into wealth or a country like the US. Respect to you in that case, and hope you like it here. (Though id recommend having thick skin is a good thing in the cc)

  2. No it's obvious alot more complicated than that and i'm not really qualified to give a solution further than on a very basic level, I was mainly just trying to express my opinion againsnt them.

    I heard it on the radio but thats why i said if im not mistaken as i wasnt 100%, I didn't realise it included smaller incidents they are still all gun related incidents and by that it makes it very similar, just because one or two people died because someone who shouldn't have have access to a gun did it doesn't call for less action.  I understand when it comes to gang crime their guns may have been obtained differently and can be got through the black market so it's a different situation to for example some crazy school kid from a middle class or better background who got it from their parents gun cabinet or someon buying it at a supermarkt without any prior checks or somthing of that manner and has to be dealt with differently (this isnt always the case just an example). The only first world country where people can say its not unexpected to have 270 incidents of 2 or more people dying a year to being shot by people who shouldnt have guns is America afaik. Whilst the recent mass shootings were a catalyst for this debate again it isnt the only reason why they should be taken away imo, theres very likely alot of smaller gun crime which happens on a daily basis that isn't included in that stat and it adds up and isnt being talked about and nothing has been done as of yet to effectively tackle the problem even though it seems more common every year to have mass shootings  with numerous people die or be injured. Just seems like some tweets are sent saying how sorry they are about it then move on with their day.

  3. 8 hours ago, WG Townsman said:

    I think this is a topic well worth the discussion but let's please stay civil. My personal belief is that limiting gun ownership will do little to stop the mass shootings in the US. I am an American citizen and was raised with guns; I hunted, shot at targets, and just thoroughly enjoyed both my guns and the right to own them. 


    That said, I also think we, as human beings, when faced with problems have a strong urge to find a solution. This is good and leads to our survival. But, with the issue of mass shootings, the problem is complex and the solution is not easily discovered. I think this forces us to have the desire to do ANYTHING rather than NOTHING and this is what leads to so many people believing that without guns the issue behind the mass shootings will go away. Take away the guns, do SOMETHING, and the problem is solved. But its not that easy. I am by no means well educated in this topic but I do know some statistics from word of mouth and quick google searches; by no means the best of sources. But, it appears that although the US is the country with the largest gun ownership, only a small percentage of its gun deaths are mass shootings. 71 out of around 39,000; the majority is suicide followed by homicide. So, to start, talking of gun deaths is not a good way to argue for limiting gun ownership because it is not a giant assumption that suicides and homicides will not greatly vary if anti-gun legislation is passed. 


    Second, I am really unfamiliar with the statistics on the countries with the most mass shootings. Some articles talk of mass shooting deaths per population instead of the number of incidents and I have never really looked into it. I would be interested in knowing more; but, I have not seen the US at the top of any list so far given with mass shooting deaths per population, or per 100,000 ppl for example. Even though our gun ownership is far ahead of the other countries; the relationship is not linear or straightforward. 


    This issue is complex and packed with emotion. As @Ghost Sabre mentioned, in the US the 2nd amendment was enacted to help the people protect themselves if needed. I forget who responded critically to Ghost Sabre, but I believe it was unfair. Of course a population armed with hunting rifles or assault rifles would be at a disadvantage against the American military; that is not the point. By having some sort of weapon to fight back with, that in itself discourages a corrupt government from physically invading/attacking the civilian base. The civilians need not have nuclear weapons to discourage a corrupt government; just the knowledge that the civilians have some hunting rifles would be enough to stop many forms of physical engagement aimed to better the corrupt government at the expense of the civilians. 



    If im not mistaken i heard there was 270 mass shootings in america this year. That is actually unbelievable. You can look it up, and I never said there was a quick fix, i said that yes it probably wouldnt fix things in the short term because there would be huge uproar and getting the guns off civilians would be a lengthy and trying process, but i also was pointing out the benefits for future generations more than now, because people only think of the quick fix and how it can benefit them now or over the next couple years. I get where youre coming from but that just is not a deterrant for the government, who by the way don't want to enact Martial Law and take over like that. They would just use drones and shit now anyway, their technology is so superior it wouldn't make a difference. From my view it's pretty much peace of mind at this point because people are so used to having it. Civilians need not have any weapons. Having a gun on you only makes the other guy with one think twice, not the military or government and that wouldnt be an issue if there was none. But you're right it's a sensitive conversation and i understand your side and where you're coming from. But when people start blaming it on media manufacturing is where i draw the line for debates like this.

  4. Lmfao, you think I'm closed minded because I called you a conspiracy theorist and was right. Saying you won't throw a label then instantly call me close minded and that I probably wont change. Ironic. Obviously this topic gets you worked up. Dont believe every random guy in the internet, just because people sound clued up doesnt mean they are. Last time I reply here.

  5. Just now, VapeRSRepeat said:


    Regardless, the point is not valid, when it is fact that the media and government has used horrific acts of violence to push agendas.


    Anyone that questions the government is labeled a conspiracy theorist, that is how they protect their shady and evil practices, and turn society against each other.


    I rest my case, and I did make my points above 

  6. 2 minutes ago, VapeRSRepeat said:


    The media has been lieing to and deceiving not only American's but the whole world since the 1950s. Look into operation Paperclip. It is not conspiracy, it is 100% fact.


    With all due respect, I don't think labeling others as conspiracy theorists, because they share different views than yours, is a viable or proper argument nowadays.


    I'm not wrong though am I?

  7. 36 minutes ago, VapeRSRepeat said:

    Well said, I live in New Jersey. Gun laws here or trash. I'm considering moving to Nevada or Arizona, or Possibly Texas in the next couple of years, I'm over this area, lived here most my life, and the politicians are fucking morons coming to guns rights.


    Unfortunately in America, with all these media manufactured mass shootings... it seems it will only get worse, especially in Blue States....

    Let me guess you're a big conspiracy theory guy? You make alot of bold, un true statements with no evidence especially with the media manufactured stuff. We will have to leave it there before I change my mind about you lul

  8. 3 hours ago, Ghost Sabre said:

    You're UK right? You might not fully understand the reason we have the second amendment in the USA. In addition to the defense of our families and homes, we have the right to bear arms to resist and overthrow a tyrannical government if/when all other checks and balances fail. Nobody is hiding behind hunting or purely home defense against a single unarmed burglar. It is more of a deterrent at the current moment, but if the government becomes unstable the citizens have the capability to re-organize.


    As far as home defense, the more wealthy you are, the bigger target you become for professional armed robberies. If you want to be naive and plan to call 911 that's your choice. I can't afford to wait if someone comes in my house trying to steal my wealth or hold my family hostage. This shit is real; it's not just in the movies. If you think I'm exaggerating, then open your mind and educate yourself by looking up real attacks on homes over the last 20 years. They don't usually get media coverage so it's more difficult to stay informed. Mass shootings get media coverage because the broadcasts are profitable.


    Anyway, while this subject has been debated constantly for the past 30+ years, limitations on firearms can only go so far. First, there are millions of unregistered firearms that laws do not affect. Second, if the government attempts to mandate a ban on firearms, there will literally be a civil war. The citizens aren't going to turn in their weapons.

    When was that amendment made? In a time thats completely different to now, it was amended once and can/should be again. The argument of defending against the tyranny now is so outdated its not even relevant now. That fact of the matter is if the government or military want to take over in that kind of fashion your second amendment rights wouldn't help you fight back or even stand a sliver of a chance so resting on those laurels now is old. America is the only country to have this insane amount of mass public shootings and legal guns. It is NOT a coincidence and if you want to keep your gun so badly when this type of stuff is happening 100s of times a year in your country then nothing will change. Yes I'm from the UK but its genuinely sad seeing this so often in one country. Maybe getting rid of guns now wont help in the short term but think of future generations, they will sit around saying "remember when anyone could go and buy a gun at the supermarket? Hahah what were we thinking?" I hope.


    Edi: There should be a ban guns option on the poll, dont leave it out because you dont agree

  9. 8 minutes ago, Busch Daddy said:

    Thanks! He's also said good things about you and he's quite the go-getter and has pushed me to do many new things such as join a clan. Jensen is pretty crazy to do what he's done purely mobile. So I can't imagine what he could do with a good client.


    Yeah i was impressed to find he had done all that on mobile aswell haha, i pushed him to finally apply here though after he had been in the cc for so long and when our timezones and lives allow it im looking forwards to raiding etc with him and i guess you aswell now! 😄

  10. Im not too sure if we have that rule but for staking while we have people occasionally talk about it it's best not advertised as a good thing that other members will try because of it. You may enjoy it yourself but it's a bad habit and new players etc shouldnt be getting into it and are influenced by the cc. Besides hearing about how people get cleaned every week is boring. Just thought I'd give you an idea why the rules there for other clans and why they implement it (you can still stake if you wish). Other than that good app and welcome, hope you enjoy it here 

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