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Elite Guardian
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Posts posted by Groedius

  1. Im pretty big on warhammer 40k mainly into the tabletop game and the figurines alot more than the books although ive read a good amount of the hourus heresy series and loved the salamanders series the tome of fire was great and had me doing an salamanders army on the tabletop. So yeah my favourite primarch would have to be vulkan. Race wise though ive always been big on my eldar.


    I used to be really big on fantasy before it went to AoS bookwise over there id definitely recommend gotrek and felix.


    I know theres a few others who play the tabletop game. The spacemarine video game was also amazing and theres a sequel thats been announced.

  2. Personally my thing is to keep switching it up do some skilling, some quests, some clan events whatever really just keep doing different things rather than the same thing over and over. I feel much more burnt out after a skill of the week when ive put everything into one skill than i would if i did several different things. Clan events is always a big thing for me though some things its just more entertaining to do with other people than it is to do by yourself. Also I definitely do as much as I can either AFK or semi afk at times whilst watching netflix or even doing house chores etc lol

  3. So I have gone ahead and renewed the fantasy football league again this year anyone who was in last year will be automatically invited and anyone else who wishes to join then just let me know.


    Our first year of doing this was last year and  our reigning champion of the WG league is Lillefigo who topped the league off with a huge score of 2319.


    So I have just been informed I had the sign up link incorrect the correct link to join our league is 




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