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A Mythrandir

Honoured Guardian
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Posts posted by A Mythrandir

  1. Welcome! 


    you definitly get that old nosalgia of pking with the boys in here.

    Also, we dont have 'mandatory' events. You join them however you see fit. We do need you to keep track of your joined events for your graduation post, minimum of 3 to become a full member

  2. It would depend on the time of year too! Probably northern hemisphere summer time good time because of the holidays..

    For location I would suggest South East asia, cause it's accesible for most western countries (relative cheap flights, cheap accomodation and cheap living/ partying) like Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam...
    We could rent out a big ass vila for cheap and have a lan party (wifi party nowadays?) and go out the bangkok streets and hang out and have a great time. Might give people a chance to extend their holiday day to for some other travelling and sightseeing.

    Europe could be a good location too. Personally would be a good reason for me to visit home again, and WG :D


    Could also be possible to host 2 locations, so it could be easier for americans/europeans/aussies to go to either location depending on their budget or location?

  3. hey mate, good to see you made an app! Just try to expand a bit on it, providing more info. This clan is pretty cool, but they run a tight ship and like to welcome you properly ;)


    We'll pk soon!

  4. We just Pked this rare pokemon and now recruited him! welcome man! 

    An app manager will look at your post shortly, then if accepted you'll get the proper clan and discord invite :D

    always welcoming new pkers!

  5. 1 hour ago, Piety pkr said:

    How did you hear about us?  got clapped by you guys at altar

    Best targeted advertisement I've seen, and it worked!

    Welcome! You'll enjoy being part of a clan! We do plenty of Pvp, pvm, community events and more! Will your account be a main someday?

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