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am a panda

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Everything posted by am a panda

  1. am a panda

    [Accepted] Kemqq

    Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  2. am a panda


    Welcome back
  3. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  4. am a panda

    [Accepted] Skoo

    It’ll be closed for certain type of events, may have only noticed when you joined or bad timing for you haha.
  5. Welcome back, make sure to request a review in 24h in #osrs-app-review on discord
  6. am a panda

    [Accepted] Skoo

    How the turntables................. haha. Welcome back to WG, I shall watch your application with great interest Make sure to head to app review in 24h and request a review.
  7. am a panda


    Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  8. Welcome to WG we are a mains clan though and ask people to be 105+ combat to pk with us just as an FYI. Are you planning on switching one of your accounts to a main?
  9. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  10. am a panda

    [Accepted] j dm

    Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  11. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you Work on getting those combat levels up
  12. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  13. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  14. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  15. Welcome back to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  16. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  17. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  18. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  19. am a panda


    Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  20. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  21. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  22. am a panda

    [Accepted] Kvws

    Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you. Most of our PKing is in the main bracket though as a heads up and you may find being on a lower level account you get targeted pretty early on smashing out high level ToA on a zerker certainly impressive though! Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
  23. Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you guys. Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you
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