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am a panda

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Everything posted by am a panda

  1. Rework has been good for bringing activity and slightly reducing the amount of rag about with the death tax, but holy hell did they make it a dumpster fire environment to fight in inside the actual lairs, jfc.
  2. Welcome to WG any friend of @Green giant is a friend of ours! See you around real soon just wait 24h then post “!review” and link your application in the discord channel #osrs-app-review
  3. am a panda

    [Accepted] WMUNY

    Welcome to WG you can be in your pvm clan in game and in WG too - we don’t allow multiclanning with other PvP clans but some of our members are in another PvM clan as well
  4. am a panda

    [Declined] Neezo

    Welcome to WG! Feel free to bring some of your rl friends you pk with along for the ride too after 24h just post “!review” in the discord channel #osrs-app-review and link your application
  5. Welcome to WG plenty of people here who are older than they’d care to admit as well, don’t worry Look forward to seeing you around shortly.
  6. Welcome to WG look forward to seeing you around soon!
  7. Welcome to WG! Look forward to seeing you around soon, just make sure to request a “!review” and link your application both in the discord channel #osrs-app-review after 24h from your app ps the dress is black and blue
  8. Welcome to WG! Look forward to seeing you around soon
  9. Never attempted valorant haha, unfortunately I’m ass at fps on kb&m
  10. am a panda

    [Accepted] Soyez

    Welcome to WG! Look forward o seeing you around shortly make sure you remember to request a !review in #osrs-app-review 24 hours after your app was posted
  11. oh shit the boy is back
  12. Welcome to WG look forward to seeing you around shortly! Make sure to request a !review in the discord channel #osrs-app-review after 24h
  13. Welcome to WG! I think you have a very good reason for your name look forward to seeing you around shortly
  14. Welcome! Any friend of Jensens is a friend of ours…. Although you’ll never convince me that you aren’t in fact his 24th alt account
  15. Welcome to WG! Look forward to seeing you around sometime soon
  16. am a panda

    [Accepted] Wibra

    Welcome to WG! Make sure to tell your other friends at Piekers where we are
  17. Welcome to wg! Hopefully you’re a nicer guy and better pker than @Zootatoo jfc
  18. Welcome to WG look forward to seeing you around shortly!
  19. Welcome to WG don’t forget to request a !review in the discord #osrs-app-review after 24h
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